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Has anyone ever compiled a list of options for the coupes JPS Motorsports?  I know they have examples of a couple builds on their site, but I was curious as to what people usually spend on their builds.  If people could please jump in and tell me what they had John Steele build for them.  Please list what type of engine you went with, suspension, disc or drum brakes, a/c, stereo, transmission etc.  Please also list what your total was.  I'm looking at getting one soon and its hard to tell what Its going to cost me in the end.  I'm also not sure about which options I want.

Last edited by Landon P Sidler
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Landon, are you looking to get one soon, or pay for one soon? I don't have one, and the ones I've seen are very nice, but also from what I have seen, they come pretty slow. Whatever time frame they give you should be taken with a grain (or bag) of salt. I could be (and hope) I'm wrong. Search around here and make your own decisions of course. I think they will build whatever you want. All it takes is time and money.

Last edited by Al Gallo

Best advice: talk to John, tell him what you want.


My guess: begins around $30K, and goes up depending on engine upgrades, A/C, seats, leather interior,  and so on.


I do not have a coupe, but a Speedster.  I opted for a 2332 cc engine, IRS suspension, the JPS hybrid tube-frame chassis (which I think he does not still use, BTW) and large anti-sway bars front and rear as fundamental options.  Paid a bit more than $30K in '07.

I've seen a couple JPS Coupes online that did have the wide rear end, but not wide front and rear.  I'm mostly interested in having a pretty basic coupe.  One of the options I want is a bigger motor than the 1776, and a stereo.  I don't care for a real flashy car. Stripped down wheels (no hub caps).  I do think the coupes look badass when lowered a little.  I don't want a full on low rider, maybe just an inch or so lower than standard height.  Also, i've seen many people say that the a/c in these cars is almost a must have, but yet the unit under the glove compartment looks hideous. I'm fortunate to live only about an hour from JPS so I'm going to visit soon and look around.  If you live close enough just call them up.  John answered the phone and said it was fine to just come look around.  He told me there is currently 14 cars being built at different stages.  This is perfect if you want to see different cars, colors, and materials in different stages of production.  He said give him a heads up the day you want to visit and he will tell you if he's out running errands or will be there to give you a tour of the process.

I don't know much about the coupes being made but I can say from owning an original that you want to make sure there is a good defrost system if you live where it is cold and A/C if you do not want to have a steam bath in that vehicle if you live in the heat. I would ask owners of coupes, please chime in, how they are doing with simple ventilation and defrosting as those issues are paramount in my opinion. Also vintage air makes some nice stuff if you can get the builder to accommodate your needs and make something nice using their equipment. 

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