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Hey yall.

Been ghosting the forum for a bit. Signed up because I was looking for a coupe in my area that would trip my trigger. Never found one so I purchased one from Carl at BHM. If you want my opinion on that transaction - contact me offline and I'll share my personal experience. The car was just delivered this evening. Me and the wife went for a quick spin before dark. Exhilarating! The Scooby motor has some umph. The trans noise mentioned by the previous owner is not worrisome to me. Typical drive train noise you would expect from steel gears that sit right under your butt in a tub.

While a $30k+ car might be nothing to people who attend a Barrett Jackson auctions - I'm a civil servant and I had to save for a long time as well as liquidate a bunch of stuff to buy my new ride. I'm new to to the Porsche/Speedster experience - but I'm not new to the motorsport experience. Primarily, I've owned Ford Mustangs. Nothing newer than a 1994 - but mostly 1st gen and Fox Body (SVOs). One of the things I sold to buy this 356 coupe was my 1968 GT Coupe (concours driven). I'm also into motorcycles (CB750s and Bonnevilles). Spent a bunch of seat time on Road Atlanta and have competed in SCCA solo II couple times a year for 30 years now.

I chose the coupe over a vert because I previously owned a FFR Cobra. It had it pluses to ownership (like there's not much on the road that will outrun you) .. but negatives to ownership too. ie: Rain, Heat, Cold. I'm getting older .. I want A/C and a roof. lol

Looking fwd to being part of and sharing the experience. Hope to meet up with some other speedster owners in the ATL. Holler if you're local. 06262016_01


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  • 06262016_01
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If yall say that's the color .. then it's the color. I call it Badass Blue. I absolutely love this car .. and the color combo is what sold me on it. Never bought a car sight unseen and it was a nail biting experience for me til it arrived last night.

Aired the tires this morning (10psi in one and none above 18psi) - gave it once over and drove it to the insurance agent's office - where I saw a bunch of people taking pics of it, then by my work to get the paperwork notarized (more people taking pics) .. then back home and parked it in the garage. Had some lunch with the Mrs. and went to the tag office - preparing myself for a long wait at the DMV. 15 minutes later tag/paperwork back in hand and now relaxing in my shop w/air conditioning. Hot 'Lanta.

While I was out, I let the coupe stretch it legs. I'm impressed by the scooby motor. The whole build impresses me. Had a pucker moment and creased my seat when a landscaping truck pulled out in front of me -- brake squeal -- curl toes -- back under control. Truck driver just waved at me and kept driving .. I waved back with my middle finger. grrrr.

More fun times coming .. and I'll post more pics of it.

A horn would not have helped. All I had time to do was take emergency action of avoidance. He was traveling at speed down his customer's driveway and was not planning a cautionary stop before pulling into the road on a blind curve. The timing was perfect of me hitting the line of sight apex and him entering the road. I equate my reflexes/training/experience/luck to being able to avoid the crash. I live in an area of Atlanta that's nothing but suburb after suburb and they're building more and more.

Retirement will bring us to relocating to a rural area.

Robert M - the transmission/gear noise is not loud to me, but items like that are subjective in nature. Some people (admittedly) are perfectionists .. and others (like me) are realists. I lost count at 30 of the cars I've owned in 35 years of buying cars. Race prepped/prepared cars with no sound deadening or alum interiors are loud as all get out. This car's drive train noise is not loud .. it's present, but you're sitting in a tub. Sounds like every other steel geared transmission I've had. Find someone who owns a Factory Five Daytona Coupe with aluminum interior .. the noise is so bad, you need ear plugs. I spent some seat time in a Noble M12 .. it was noisy. If this coupe's transmission decides to let go .. then I'll fix it with something better. AutoAtlanta is not very far from me at all .. pretty sure they could sort things out for me if I needed it.

And NO .. nothing was mentioned about it from BHM and neither were the 2 clearly noticeable paint chips in the paint and shipping it with nearly flat tires. I'm not overly happy with my experience with Carl. Hard sell tactics like a used car salesman, ignored after payment received, delayed shipping, did not include the hub caps .. and when I asked about the hub caps - the car showed up with no hub caps - his response was, 'they were not included in the sale' despite the fact the car's listing clearly shows it wearing hub caps. It's a small thing .. but it's the damn principle of it. Don't BS me. I deal with people trying to be deceptive to me on a daily basis. You either forgot the hubcaps prior to shipping or you purposely pulled them off the car and hoped I wouldn't say anything. He said he would sent me a set by mail .. but I could care less at this point.

Robert M posted:
JouFuu posted:

Crhemi Bill .. yes, I found both of those. (engine lid pull not functioning) - but this car has a third pull - located under dash. See red arrow.  What's that for?

Ejector seat. Probably a good thing it didn't go off when you pulled it.  

lol .. close to what I told the wife about the kill switch when she pointed to it and said 'what's that?' .. "halon system ... good thing you didn't pull it or it would have drowned the motor in fire extinguisher gunk"

JouFuu posted:
ALB posted:

I guess you'll have to follow it and see where it goes...

In other words, 'you don't know what that's for' cause I know where it goes .. it goes under the dash. duh.

Contrary to what you may believe, I'm not trying to be a smart a$$, and I'm trying to steer you in the right direction. If you're going to be successful with this car and have it for a long time, you're going to have to get to know it. These cars are all considered custom builds, with whatever part of it is VW based antique automotive technology and no 2 are alike (even from the same builder). There aren't many mechanics around that work on stuff like this, so the more you can do, the better. Ask anyone here who's had their car for a long time, and just about all do at least the basic maintenance, and there are guys in this group that have rebuilt their cars from one end to the other. If you don't make a commitment to get to know it, first time it gives you trouble and you can't find a mechanic to take care of it, it will sit in the garage. The longer it sits between drives, the sooner you'll be selling and looking for something else a little newer, and writing off what could have been a great relationship as a bad experience, and you'll be the one who misses what these cars are about.

Instead of asking a bunch of people that don't know your car about something, take the time, track where it goes and see what you can figure out. If at that point you don't know what it is, take a pic, and someone here will be able to help you. I would think it would be pretty simple to track down what it's connected to. Al

Last edited by ALB
ALB posted:
JouFuu posted:
ALB posted:

I guess you'll have to follow it and see where it goes...

In other words, 'you don't know what that's for' cause I know where it goes .. it goes under the dash. duh.

Contrary to what you may believe, I'm not trying to be a smart a$$, and I'm trying to steer you in the right direction. If you're going to be successful with this car and have it for a long time, you're going to have to get to know it. These cars are all considered custom builds, with whatever part of it is VW based antique automotive technology and no 2 are alike (even from the same builder). There aren't many mechanics around that work on stuff like this, so the more you can do, the better. Ask anyone here who's had their car for a long time, and just about all do at least the basic maintenance, and there are guys in this group that have rebuilt their cars from one end to the other. If you don't make a commitment to get to know it, first time it gives you trouble and you can't find a mechanic to take care of it, it will sit in the garage. The longer it sits between drives, the sooner you'll be selling and looking for something else a little newer, and writing off what could have been a great relationship as a bad experience, and you'll be the one who misses what these cars are about.

Instead of asking a bunch of people that don't know your car about something, take the time, track where it goes and see what you can figure out. If at that point you don't know what it is, take a pic, and someone here will be able to help you. I would think it would be pretty simple to track down what it's connected to. Al

uh huh .. but now you're coming across as condescending ahole. You assumed a lot about me .. and you don't know jack-squat about me. Hope your reply made you feel all warm and fuzzy.

In the future, If you're not wanting to be perceived as an ahole; answer the specifics of the question at hand on a forum or move along.

Jim Kelly posted:

Sorry, Bud, you have this one wrong.  Al tries to help everyone on this forum, including those who seem very particular about how the message is delivered.  All of us are guilty at one time or another of not being as courteous as we could be, but I don't see it in Al's response to you.

I see it differently than you. I should not have to list my automotive resume in order to keep condescending replies like that from happening in the first place. Heck, he could have read my opening post and gleaned an idea I might not be a car schnoob.

Next time, tell me how to polish a headlight.

A lot of people are on this list some have a lot of experience  some have none

  Al is very knowledgable on a lot of areas many many  times we have new members come on who ask for advice 

sometimes an answer comes back that you can't read properly and you think it's condescending

nothing in his response is unusual maybe his forthrightness to a newbies problem is what you found offensive it wasn't meant to be

I don't usually pipe in When a newbie gets offended.... But its early I haven't had much sleep and found you're response a little strong

 This is a friendly forum  we don't do mudslinging 

 The only advice I have for you is to be like  your car

Be nice   


Last edited by IaM-Ray
JouFuu posted:
ALB posted:
JouFuu posted:
ALB posted:

I guess you'll have to follow it and see where it goes...

In other words, 'you don't know what that's for' cause I know where it goes .. it goes under the dash. duh.

Contrary to what you may believe, I'm not trying to be a smart a$$, and I'm trying to steer you in the right direction. If you're going to be successful with this car and have it for a long time, you're going to have to get to know it. These cars are all considered custom builds, with whatever part of it is VW based antique automotive technology and no 2 are alike (even from the same builder). There aren't many mechanics around that work on stuff like this, so the more you can do, the better. Ask anyone here who's had their car for a long time, and just about all do at least the basic maintenance, and there are guys in this group that have rebuilt their cars from one end to the other. If you don't make a commitment to get to know it, first time it gives you trouble and you can't find a mechanic to take care of it, it will sit in the garage. The longer it sits between drives, the sooner you'll be selling and looking for something else a little newer, and writing off what could have been a great relationship as a bad experience, and you'll be the one who misses what these cars are about.

Instead of asking a bunch of people that don't know your car about something, take the time, track where it goes and see what you can figure out. If at that point you don't know what it is, take a pic, and someone here will be able to help you. I would think it would be pretty simple to track down what it's connected to. Al

uh huh .. but now you're coming across as condescending ahole. You assumed a lot about me .. and you don't know jack-squat about me. Hope your reply made you feel all warm and fuzzy.

In the future, If you're not wanting to be perceived as an ahole; answer the specifics of the question at hand on a forum or move along.

Well, that didn't take long. You are free to keep digging your hole if you like, but I'd recommend putting the shovel down.

Just an FYI: only one guy is being perceived as being an "ahole" here, and it's not Al. 

I had a pretty snappy little response calling out some of the knee-jerk overreactors of late all typed out, and ready to hit "send". I suggested that perhaps they should all get together in their own space to compare notes, armament, and outlooks, since there seems to be a growing minority of guys who see confrontation requiring immediate escalation in places where it doesn't exist.

But there's nothing to be gained by it.

Jim Ignacio often says, "I learn something new every time I visit this forum". I don't really. I don't come here to learn stuff-- I go to STF or TheSamba if I want to learn about dry-sumping, twin-pluggging, or the like. If somebody is trying to use this forum as a technical guide, we end up with 100 page "brass thingy" threads (and guys asking where a cable leads).

It's your car, JouFuu-- where does it lead?

What this forum is for is making friends. Lifelong friends, if you don't dork it up by seeing confrontation where none exists.

I've driven to the west coast in my speedster twice, and flown out three more times to be with some of those friends. I've stayed in their homes, driven their cars. I've bought meals for guys I've never met, and had them bought for me. I went to the wedding of a guy I met on this forum. I've given my entire retirement fund to a guy I met on this forum to invest for me. I had a guy from Fiji drive hundreds of miles out of his way to have breakfast with me-- because of this forum. I've given away valuable stuff to guys I've never laid eyes on, and had valuable stuff given to me. It's been an amazing gift of living in the modern age

... unless you want to fight. This is the very first time we've heard from you, and to be honest-- it isn't a very good first impression. You have no idea what you are throwing away by being so confrontational. And, to be clear-- it's you who are being confrontational.

It's possible to start over. Just look under your dash and see what's on the other end of John Steele's NAPA choke cable, and report back to us. Make a joke. Apologize to Al. Grow another layer of skin and drift along a bit. Your thread will soon be rich with insight on stuff that has very little to do with your particular car (which seems pretty nice, BTW), but which will have much more worth.

What you seem to be looking for doesn't exist here. What does exist is fun conversation. Don't wreck that for yourself. If you dig in and bare your teeth like a cornered animal, I guarantee you it won't end well for you.

Good luck. 

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