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It feels real great but it will feel much greater when I finally get somebody to give me a title for the thing. The guy I spoke to said did you send the information into me yet? I told him he never told me to send the information into him. He said he got me confused with somebody else. So now I have to wait another week probably more because he still hasn't e-mailed me yet about what I need to send him. Your government in action.


The paperwork for your car was last seen in the hands of some white haired guy getting aboard the Attorney General's plane in a remote part of the Phoenix airport. That was the unnamed topic they discussed after golf and grandchildren. They had to fill that 30 minute time together with something.

Good news is that it is in the hands of people who get things done.

Be positive!

Good luck with the title search, that sh!t is always fun.  Even when you have all your ducks in a row it will give you that queasy feeling stepping up to the window and being sweet to a person who would rather not be challenged with helping get your car on the road. 

Also, I'm somewhat offended by Bob bringing up Christmas .  I may block everyone!

Jeffrey Harnasch posted:

This thread is really going places.
Welcome to the Madness, Joufuu
I hope you understand that we just try to help each other when we can and sometimes things get miss understood.
My best guess would be it's the heater fan speed control but without knowing where it goes is just my guess.
Oh and awesome car, congrats.




Stan Galat, '05 IM, 2276, Nowhere, USA posted:
Stan Galat, '05 IM, 2276, Nowhere, USA posted:
What you seem to be looking for doesn't exist here. What does exist is fun conversation. Don't wreck that for yourself. If you dig in and bare your teeth like a cornered animal, I guarantee you it won't end well for you.
JouFuu posted:

It seems to have been attached to a bunch of internet douchebags.

Every time I pulled it, another one showed up to this thread .. welcoming me.

Nope. Still digging. Still not ending well.

Jeffrey, appreciate the reply .. and no worries, it is what it is. This forum is full of cheerleaders sucking off their keyboard heroes. Typical internet forum but I'd rather be out enjoying my car in the real world .. not in front of a keyboard. I find most people who are the keyboard machismo type have a tendency to mind their words when they're standing in front of me and there's a chance I might actually mash their mouth. Social manners and all.

No Stan? .. I keep randomly pulling that choke pull .. and the douchebags keep replying to this thread. I don't think it's a coincidence. Either way .. it's ended well for me. Your approval was not required.

JouFuu posted:
Jeffrey Harnasch posted:

This thread is really going places.
Welcome to the Madness, Joufuu
I hope you understand that we just try to help each other when we can and sometimes things get miss understood.
My best guess would be it's the heater fan speed control but without knowing where it goes is just my guess.
Oh and awesome car, congrats.




Stan Galat, '05 IM, 2276, Nowhere, USA posted:
Stan Galat, '05 IM, 2276, Nowhere, USA posted:
What you seem to be looking for doesn't exist here. What does exist is fun conversation. Don't wreck that for yourself. If you dig in and bare your teeth like a cornered animal, I guarantee you it won't end well for you.
JouFuu posted:

It seems to have been attached to a bunch of internet douchebags.

Every time I pulled it, another one showed up to this thread .. welcoming me.

Nope. Still digging. Still not ending well.

Jeffrey, appreciate the reply .. and no worries, it is what it is. This forum is full of cheerleaders sucking off their keyboard heroes. Typical internet forum but I'd rather be out enjoying my car in the real world .. not in front of a keyboard. I find most people who are the keyboard machismo type have a tendency to mind their words when they're standing in front of me and there's a chance I might actually mash their mouth. Social manners and all.

No Stan? .. I keep randomly pulling that choke pull .. and the douchebags keep replying to this thread. I don't think it's a coincidence. Either way .. it's ended well for me. Your approval was not required.

And yet you somehow keep coming back. Probably reminds you of your childhood wherein everyone on the block took your lunch money.

You seem to be the one who continuously makes threatening insults of smashing people's mouths if they were in front of you and yet you sit there behind the comfort of your own keyboard and the protection of anonymity behind your screen name as you call everyone out. I find your keyboard bravado as tough as the spongecake with strawberries and whipped cream I enjoyed whilst celebrating the Fourth of July.

You can pull your own knob all you want. We were here before you and we'll continue to be here after you; knob or no knob.

FWIW - I put over 1,000 miles on my car in the last 10 days and still found time to interact with my online friends in a civil and constructive manner.

Last edited by Theron
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