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From what I read   JPS Motor Sports has moved to San Marcos Ca and under new Management  "Patrick Crane" ...anyone have the scoop?


Scroll to March 22nd date stamp 


Last edited by Alan Merklin
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What's the JPS Classics angle? I thought they were all classics 

"Some of you may also have read that Patrick Crane has joined JPS Motorsports to head up our new “JPS Classics” line of cars.  Patrick and his family live in North County San Diego, and he has been busy setting up the new shop, which is located in San Marcos, just north east of San Diego"

WGND, From what I can figure out the “Classic” is a built on a tubular chassis, not a VW pan and is less customizable. I figure the VW pans will run out some day, maybe that day is coming soon. Not sure of any positives or negatives to that type of chassis, other than ease of registration in California. I’d be interested in feedback from Patrick or the group, as I’m looking as well.

Fortunately, I don't have a dog in this fight.  However, it strains credulity when a poster who won't provide any details about himself asks the other side in a legal dispute to negotiate the claim on a public forum!  No one in their right mind would do so, irrespective of their legal position.

The down side is that such misplaced logic tends to create inevitable and valid concerns regarding the veracity of the original claim. 

I've got no doubt that John Steele is still John Steele. He's always stopped answering the phone when the muse wasn't upon him, but it was (a bit) easier to take when the business wasn't moving and taking on partners, and when the concern wasn't whether his health was going to hold long enough for the build to get done. At this point, there's no small number of guys coming forward to say they've got skin in the game, and they're getting nervous.

So, "bogus" and "B/S" seems harsh.

However-- Jim's point it valid. There's not much upside to remaining anonymous and airing grievances publicly, if a guy is still hoping for credibility or resolution.  It also doesn't help when we were supposed to "mark the day", which came and went pretty much like every other day. Other guys have thought they could get blood from a turnip, make John Steel live up to his obligations, blah, blah, blah. I was that guy. I'm probably one of the most stubborn people you'll ever meet. I couldn't get it done.

The way this is going, my money is not on 4-banger either, although I wish him success. As I've said before, someday John Steele is going to honk the wrong person off. With all due respect, I'm not seeing it here.


4Banger is the king of negativity. Timelines are not Johns forte. You should have known. I will get my car whenever I get my car. I am building another car so I am not obsessed with JPS build speed. If either of these cars (or both) do not come through, I will be finished with built up custom type cars, and move on to modern purchases...

When I was there, just recently, cars were being built. I would guess there will be an interruption on builds with the shop move. It is not an entire shop move, but I will not divulge. It is meant to speed up operations.

MaxMartens posted:

4Banger is the king of negativity. Timelines are not Johns forte. You should have known. I will get my car whenever I get my car. I am building another car so I am not obsessed with JPS build speed. If either of these cars (or both) do not come through, I will be finished with built up custom type cars, and move on to modern purchases...

When I was there, just recently, cars were being built. I would guess there will be an interruption on builds with the shop move. It is not an entire shop move, but I will not divulge. It is meant to speed up operations.

Oh if you only knew. It is negativity, yes. Based upon facts I did not really want to learn. Time will tell.

4Banger posted:
MaxMartens posted:

4Banger is the king of negativity. Timelines are not Johns forte. You should have known. I will get my car whenever I get my car. I am building another car so I am not obsessed with JPS build speed. If either of these cars (or both) do not come through, I will be finished with built up custom type cars, and move on to modern purchases...

When I was there, just recently, cars were being built. I would guess there will be an interruption on builds with the shop move. It is not an entire shop move, but I will not divulge. It is meant to speed up operations.

Oh if you only knew. It is negativity, yes. Based upon facts I did not really want to learn. Time will tell.

Dude... enough. If you have something, share actual facts. It seems like you "are in the know" but refuses to divulge what is going on. So put up or SHUT UP! 

My position is to stay guarded.

Yes to the moving, yes to the normal delays. Yes to at least going by the shop if you have a build underway.

No you probably wont get your car on time. I feel for 4banger as his mistake was holding JPS to a deadline. Its a shame he didn’t have more flexibility with time.

I would let this storm go over and see how things play out. My opinion is people will get their cars. Thats the best I can do. I will let you all know how it goes in the months ahead for me.

Aint suspense great?


The Boy Who Cried Wolfsburg


There once was a little boy who owned a Volkswagen. He lived far from the village, where he often got lonely. One day, while feeling very lonely, he decided to text all of his friends in the village.

"Those idiots in Wolfsburg! Look what they've done! My awful drum brakes didn't hold on the hill and my Volkswagen crashed into a tree. Please come right away and help me out."

All of his friends from the village dropped what they were doing and came rushing to help. But when they arrived, his Volkswagen was nowhere to be seen.

"Ha, Ha," he said, "Joke's on you!"

Several weeks passed and the little boy was again lonely one night. He texted his friends, "Come quick, those idiots in Wolfsburg have put terrible headlights in my Volkswagen and I ran into a ditch."

Again, his friends stopped in their tracks and came rushing to help, only to find the boy safe at home with his Volkswagen nowhere in sight.

"Ha, Ha," he said, "Joke's on you!"

Three weeks later, while he was backing his Volkswagen into his garage, the little boy's plastic fuel filter cracked. In seconds, his Volkswagen was ablaze. He texted all his friends in the village to come quick and help him put out the fire "that the idiots in Wolfsburg had caused."

But the boy's friends had had enough of his texts. Not one of them came to help. They were starting to think that Wolfsburg wasn't causing his problems at all.

The fire quickly spread from the engine to the tires and the interior, and the car burned to the ground. The little boy was very, very sad. He had learned a valuable lesson about friends and trust and texting.

He didn't learn much about Wolfsburg, though. The next day he went to his Volkswagen dealer and bought a brand new Turbo Diesel.


OK. You want some information. I got two real examples happening today and one scenario. If you're expecting me to divulge any names, social security numbers, details here, you're outa luck. Believe or not. Think it's a big deal or write "bitch slap" on the wall. I don't care. You can take this info and help the community or you can continue to talk around the REAL issues that affect us. This is exactly how bad stuff goes on for so long. Too much drama and low-end activity.  

Car #1. Nat'l Auto Crime Prevention Task Force records show donor chassis was wrecked in 2007. Car was designated as "Salvage". Owner filed claim, got money, and fixed damage. Car was re-registered as "Rebuilt Salvage" and put back on the road. In 2008, car was wrecked AGAIN. Another claim was filed, money paid but car was never re-registered again and obviously parts were sold off...including chassis. Chassis was sold and used to build a new shiny replica. Someone will be expected to try to register and insure this car legally. Despite any other concerns, would you feel good about buying that car? Note, the "rebuilt salvage" designation will never be removed from the national database. You don't have to answer. I don't care what you would do. I got out the 10 foot pole. The officer giving this information said, "You don't want this car."

Car#2. Same background check as above. Note that this database is real but not necessarily available to any agency unless they have the training and certification to use it. I advise everyone to get personal with their local Auto Crime Prevention Task Force in their area. They are trained to use a database that is powerful and national. Anyway, car #2 looks good, looks right, runs good. Problem is the donor chassis is stolen Oct, 2009 in Long Beach. How did a stolen chassis get used on a new car build? If you buy it, what happens when it gets detected? You lose it. They say, "Go after the seller". AGAIN, the officer said, "You don't want this car, either."

Scenario#1. You buy a replica with a custom chassis. None of the possible issues of the two cars above. The builder may hand you a bunch of MSO's and receipts for parts and you go try to register in your state. Better yet, you ask the builder to complete and register the car in his name in your state. Now you simply transfer from one name to another. In either instance, the car is registered properly as an "assembled vehicle" or something similar. You either try to bypass some restrictions using exemptions or other methods per you state or your car has to meet all the guidelines and laws of a new car built that same year as yours. If you create a new car using those receipts, the whole car responsibility is yours. If you have your builder register it first, the burden is his (somewhat).

So there you have some real examples of what is happening and can happen. I'm through trying to help. Do your homework, be careful, and avoid "Car-dasian's" with their distracting posts. It's not a matter of negativity, it's a matter of fact.


Last edited by 4Banger

I thought that 24 hours ago you said you......

4Banger posted:

"I'll stop posting"........

So much for that, see how your rambling ( no actual facts) has little credibility ? 

These chassis you are referring to, what do you feel they are they under now ?

I'll gladly get the VIN ran through NCIC, but we know you won't provide anything factual.

Finally someone , will soon look at your ISP and find you and your ID


Last edited by Alan Merklin
Alan Merklin posted:

I thought that 24 hours ago you said you......

4Banger posted:

"I'll stop posting"........

So much for that, see how your rambling ( no actual facts) has little credibility ? 

These chassis you are referring to, what do you feel they are they under now ?

I'll gladly get the VIN ran through NCIC, but we know you won't provide anything factual.

Finally someone , will soon look at your ISP and find you and your ID


I don't need you to run anything. It's been done. You want pictures of me and the officers, a link or picture of the computer screen, specific serial numbers? Sheesh man. What if I can't because it is part of an on-going investigation about MANY things. What was given, as vague as you feel it is, is tidbit stuff. I get it that you don't trust me. Do you get that I am not trying to reach you? I was trying to help the guy who wants to own a replica 356 so he might avoid some of the pitfalls.

Yes I said I wouldn't post. This information was received yesterday and thought it was something I could share. Wasn't good enough for some. I will do my best to stay away.

@4Banger  I'm just curious as to your goal with your posts.  At first, I gathered it was that you were angered that JPS did not deliver the 356 coupe (which you had paid 2/3) on time, or at all.  Then, it appeared you wanted to use this thread as a classified ad, selling off items you have.  OK, I get it, thread drift happens.  But now, it appears as though you are stating that we should avoid replica 356's (those built on a pan and those built on a tube frame).  
I'm not an insurance expert.  But these aren't regular cars insured in a regular way-as far as a Salvage title goes.  My speedster uses a 1973 VW Beetle pan.  There's nothing left of that 1973 Beetle now.  The pan has been altered completely from its original state.  I can't call up Progressive and say please insure my replica.  They won't do it.  You need specialty insurance companies.
But getting back to my original point, what is your goal here?  What are you hoping to accomplish?

I will end by saying this. My intent was never to run down a particular business, a person, a specific car etc. I believe I have chosen my words carefully so to avoid that. I do have some unfinished business with a company or two and all anyone needs to know about that is that it can happen to them too until something gets really resolved.

I could post a picture now of a specific car for sale and state that the chassis underneath it is recorded as stolen, I would become heavily involved in that matter. Instead, I chose to leave out some details of what I found (so I could avoid my own pitfall) while also helping someone else avoid there own personal pit by showing it can happen.

The reader, hopefully, learns the tools or methods I used to find out this (vague) information or knows in general to be very careful. It's like teaching someone to fish rather than saying here's what one fish looks like. I guess I have partially accomplished one of my missions so I agree with you that I don't need to "ramble" further. Try not to destroy the message by being so hard on the messenger. Sorry I couldn't give you what you wanted.

50 minutes ago you stated : "I will do my best to stay away"  ....and once again , so much for that....Put a sock in young fella until you have something concrete to contribute.... bye bye now~

.......If Edison's name was John,  we would be reading this post by candle light!

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Last edited by Alan Merklin

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