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she just shut down while driving-while waiting for a tow-I found a burned 30 amp mini fuse coming off the top of the altenator-I believe it goes to a relay on the right side engine fire wall and then to  the fuel pump--put in  a new fuse drove about 200 yards and it blew again-this happened several times til  we ran out of fuses and pushed it home -we were only a few houses away--checked all the wiring this morning-no sign at all of any burned, melted wires-put in a 15 amp fuse (that's all I had right now) started the car and let it run for 15 minutes, started and stopped it several times--no problem--there still has to be something wrong somewhere--possibly a bad fuel pump-it sounds OK with a stethoscope---any ideas--John at JPs is away til Tuesday--

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Bear in mind that few people on here know a whole lot about any JPS cars - they are "a little different" from the norm - even from one to the next.


That said, what was the outside temperature when this was all happening?  30 Amp is a big, honking fuse and way bigger than what is normally feeding a fuel pump - 20 amp to a fuel pump might be a lot.  Regardless, make sure you follow that wire to make certain where it goes and then, depending on the outside temp I might be inclined to think it's a heat related failure - even fuel pumps can get hot, expand and seize up.  But I would REALLY like to know where that big wire goes for sure.....

An old trick on Rabbits was to put a smaller fuse in the fuel pump circuit and when that blew you'd go bigger until it blew the correctly rated one. Theb it was time to change the fuel pump.


If you've traced it out and found nothing you need to put an ammeter on that wire and put the gauge where you can see it as you drive. When it spikes past 30 amps, you'll have found the conditions that caused this.



I wish I knew a quick fix for you.  What I have found is that our cars are so unique that reputable shops, i.e, auto electric shops, are gun shy of doing any work at all, since very few (or none) of us can supply wiring diagrams, diagnostic tools, etc. that other cars have.  When you can arm twist your local sparky into diagnosing/fixing what ails you, they put up lots of caveats before starting the work--it will take a couple of weeks, we'll have to go through the whole system, yada, yada.  My favorite is when they get the car on the rack, then start with the "tsk, tsk".  I'm not trying to be negative, just realistic.  We all pay a price for having such one-off rides.  When you do get it psyched out, please let the rest of us know what the fault was.  Best of luck!

Originally Posted by Jerry Freeman/N.J.:

FOUND THE PROBLEM-- found 7 burnt wires in a electrical taped harness that was hanging with about 12 extra inches of wire on the right side of the engine near the firewall and it was hanging right over the muffler. I guess it took 2000 miles to finally burn thru--

Yikes! Glad you found the issue. Sounds like one of those 'one off' situations where maybe the builder forgot to go back and 'button that up' prior to handing it off.

Glad it was nothing more serious.



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