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Jake Dynoed my car both with the A-1 Sidewinder and the CSP Python. The A-1 Sidewinder dynoe'd 6% more hp then the CSP Python on my Type IV engine.  An additional 8 hp.


We tried that Taiwanese header and muffler system and half the baffle welds failed ---what a racket that was!


The A1 was the way to go for me.

Al, My system is the second one...exactly!


Maybe it's "blatty sounding", because as Jack mentioned, baffle welds have failed?


Since I don't have a headers that will accommodate the Shapiro (Ruby) twin mufflers maybe I should (could) find similar dimensioned replacements.


Jeez, when I was a kid I could get new GlassPaks for my '50 Mercury for about seven bucks each!!... I wonder what they cost now 



This is an interesting discussion for me as I am considering re-eingineering my A1.  I want to eventually fit rear disks, but the muffler would need some repositioning for that to be possible.  I would also like quieten it down just a bit.  Given that the A1 is pretty beat up from the years in Charleston's humidity as well as the occasional meeting with a driveway, I would consider replacing rather than re-engineering.

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