Troys former mean green machine is back up for sale. Now has a vintage hardtop. Photos and details are on ebay.
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Such a great looking car. But I really question that fan shroud.
Great looking car, particularly with that custom hardtop! Best of luck with the sale.
Ever since someone mentioned the front wheel spacing in the wheelwell, I can't unsee it.
ETA: Not particularly this car, but lots of Speedster replicas. It's the VW pan-based cars that have the issue, right? Or is it one particular manufacturer.
Not sure what to say about fan shroud - its the way the car was built and hasn't seen an issue that I know of. As for wheel well - I really don't know. Sorry.
I'd sell a kidney for Troy's old car ....
What are the odds of 3 Speedster 456 replicas with hard tops being on sale at the same time?0AAOSwmflfi7KA" target="_blank">
@dlearl476 posted:Ever since someone mentioned the front wheel spacing in the wheelwell, I can't unsee it.
ETA: Not particularly this car, but lots of Speedster replicas. It's the VW pan-based cars that have the issue, right? Or is it one particular manufacturer.
Virtually all VW pan based cars were built with the uneven front wheel spacing until just recently when Greg Leach from Vintage Motorcars of California Inc. corrected the issue.
Vintage Speedsters built by the Arizona company are still being built with the front wheels off center. I also noticed that they are installing bee hive tail lights directly on the body with no rubber seal.
Beautiful machine, but I bet it eats rear tires with that much negative camber.
@Eric (McGruff) posted:Beautiful machine, but I bet it eats rear tires with that much negative camber.
My spider does. The trick is to remember to switch them when the outside tread is double the inside tread depth.
Swapping tires side for side is fine, unless you have directional tires. Then, you just have to continue to wear out the inside edge.
But with our cars, and us not putting on crazy miles each year, you still get a few good years out of the rear tires.
@WNGD posted:I'd sell a kidney for Troy's old car ....
What are the odds of 3 Speedster 456 replicas with hard tops being on sale at the same time?0AAOSwmflfi7KA" target="_blank">
Which one? ....kidney, I mean.
@Napa Paul posted:Which one? ....kidney, I mean.
Well, my left one is pretty much shot from abuse so .......
@Bob: IM S6 posted:Swapping tires side for side is fine, unless you have directional tires. Then, you just have to continue to wear out the inside edge.
But with our cars, and us not putting on crazy miles each year, you still get a few good years out of the rear tires.
I think I bought these in 2016. I didn't switch them, so I'm going to get new rear tires next year.
@Bob: IM S6 posted:Swapping tires side for side is fine, unless you have directional tires. Then, you just have to continue to wear out the inside edge.
But with our cars, and us not putting on crazy miles each year, you still get a few good years out of the rear tires.
Not entirely true, if they are rotationally directional. But would require dismount/re-mount and balance.
But I do agree totally if they are labeled outside/inside.
For what it's worth, the inside of my rear tires never wear excessively. My car sits with about 3 degrees of negative camber, and has 1/16" total toe-in on the rear tires. I get about 15-20K on a set. I'm sure that will decrease some when I get my Vred Sportrac5s.
You could still swap the directional tires front to rear. I did that with my directional winter tires on my Fiat
@DannyP posted:I get about 15-20K on a set. I'm sure that will decrease some when I get my Vred Sportrac5s.
You may be pleasantly surprised. There is a 300 treadwear rating on those tires.
Swapping front to back only works with tires the same size. And tires that are directional with inside/outside can't be switched.
As I said, we usually can get 4-5 seasons out of rear tires.
@Michael McKelvey posted:You could still swap the directional tires front to rear. I did that with my directional winter tires on my Fiat
Spyders have different size tires, different wheel sizes and offsets F/R. So no.
@DannyP posted:But would require dismount/re-mount and balance.
True. My problem is I procrastinated so long my usual guys at Discount tire won't touch them, because they're all the way down on the inside edge. I'll have to take them to the Llanta place on Main Street.
I was going to get Sportracs next Spring, but I think I'll wait until the fronts wear down and replace all 4. I'm kind of OCD about matching tires.
If it's IRS there's a way to adjust the rear camber a few degrees. I did it on mine, it involved reaming the holes where the spring plates bolt up to the hub assembly so I could turn them at more of an angle in the vertical plane. IIRC mine were over 3 degrees, and are now within 0.5. I don't have the link handy, but I'm pretty sure I found it on The Samba.
Car is sold.... thanks for the commentary.
Congratulations on the sale.
Congrats. Did it sell on ebay?
Yes made a deal with the highest bidder.
Where is it going?
Staying in Florida. Heading down to Miami.