. . . and very glad not to have checked out.
About three weeks ago I came down w/ a fever and the shakes, plus a sore back. Got kinda scary. There is a long story here, but the short of it is I ended up in the ER and the then H for a week. Got two nasty bacteria in my blood, and things were very unpleasant for a few days. They pumped me w/ IV antibiotics (ABs) right away and did a bunch of blood tests, x-rays, MRI, ultrasound, and I'm not sure what all. They kept me a week until they IDed the bugs, then sent me home for another two weeks of twice daily IV ABs. I still have some soreness in the back, but have felt sorta OK wrt fever, etc. after the first few days in the H. Been off work three weeks, and off the air, more or less, over that time too. Things are looking up, however. I hope to return to work next week.
Lesson: If you cut your finger, wash it out w/ warm soapy water and put on a band-aid. Nobody knows exactly what happened here in my case (I did have a cut on my finger that I did NOT clean out right away), or why, but happen it did. My advice: do not try this at home.
PS: I suppose w/out the modern care in the H and the HD antibiotics, the germs would have won, and I'd be . . . absent.
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