You have to remove the wheel adapters immediately, they not only come loose, guaranteed, but if they are even a bit out of true (they ALL are considering the lack of care in their construction and country of origin) they'll eventually stress your ball joint and tie rod ends. Too many forces acting all at once on a single weak spot !
Do you have rotors with a slight lip just outside of the grease cap, if you do then you ought to running hub centric wheels anyway. This lip gives you the option of supporting the wheel on the rotor itself not just the lugs/studs. See if you can locate spacers that also have this support lip.
It just isn't safe, especially in front, to mess around too much. If you have to spacers on adapters on rotors on drop axles just to get an extra inch or so, then use some kind of locking fluid. Talk with race shops/web sites about what to do.
Be safe,