Here in northern California, up until about a year ago, you could find a few used pan-based Speedsters on Craigslist for $15-20K just about any day of the week. And they would usually hang around for weeks. The supply was plentiful.
Now, you're lucky to find one in a month of searching for twice that, and they're gone in a few days.
If you must scratch the itch, though, here's a nice, real Speedster for over $400K - and on Craigslist, of all places. Real maybe, but not spectacular. So, maybe that explains the new demand for clean fauxsters.
![CL356Speedster02 CL356Speedster02](https://www.speedsterowners.com/fileSendAction/fcType/0/fcOid/682075964387472443/filePointer/681794489441968357/fodoid/681794489441968353/imageType/MEDIUM/inlineImage/true/CL356Speedster02.jpg)
Or maybe it's because new cars, as boring as they are, are so hard to find. Our local Porshee dealer hasn't had any 911's, Boxsters, or Caymans in stock for months. None. Unobtainium.
A bunch of Pecans and Cajuns maybe, or whatever they call those things, but nothing that looks like it would be any fun to drive.
Folks are bored senseless, looking for something entertaining to do while they're still alive, and snapping up anything that looks promising.
Leaky, noisy, balky, tooth-rattling? They just don't care.