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My Dad's mom, Barbara Currie, lives in Canada and only visits every few years. The distance and her age (88) preclude a great deal of travel.

Barbara carried herself like royalty. Her fine bones and patrician features belied the fact that she chopped all of her own wood for heating well into her 80's - while living in the Yukon Territory. That's alot of wood for winter heating...

A few years ago, her eyes began to fail. Macular degeneration is a real bitch. She chose a care facility and checked herself in. Dad's brother, Uncle Robby, checks in on her regularly as he lives within driving distance of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. About a week or ten days ago, Barbara had a heart attack, fell and struck her head. She has been wholly coherant the entire time and very adamant about her last wishes. No medical intervention, not even oxygen. After much nagging, she did agree to take baby aspirin - but that's all!

Independent to the end, she passed away this morning at around 4:30A.M. Quietly, peacefully in her sleep. RIP Barbara...

I'm heading out to Mom and Dad's house right now. He's taking this very hard.

Thank you everyone, it really means alot to me.

I was not close to my grandmother but as you all know, I am VERY much a Daddy's girl... Watching your father cry is rough stuff. It's only the second time I've seen him cry. I would rather walk on broken glass than let him feel this way...

We'll keep him close the next few weeks. His brothers and sister will meet in Tagish late this spring to spread Barbara's ashes (she was cremated today).

I had bought a new wheelset for Dad's SS. They are Chevy Blazer ZQ8 wheels. Brand new and 16x8 that will clear the new mondo-bigassed brakes that I'm putting on the car. Going from a 9" rotor to 12", single piston to dual piston, yada yada.

Decided to paint the backgrounds of the wheels. They are a light argent silver originally, but I'm going with a very dark grey that has heavy metallic in it. This was my first time using Steve's spray gun. In fact, I haven't exactly told him that I used his spray gun (I did clean it). It would be most wise of me to finish the other three wheels BEFORE he finds out - LOL!!!

First picture is taped off ready for paint. Second is the freshly painted one (the dark background) compared to the original finish. Being different is COOL!



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  • Feb25 09 020
  • Feb25 09 023
  • Feb25 09 024
Great job and nice attention to the important details -- when do we get another overall picture?
Some of us are living through you right now ...

Reminds me of the exchange we had when you hadn't yet been to see the orange thing in progress; I painted all the details on the rear brakes, and The Wrench pointed at the front of the car and said, "Great job, genius. Now you get to spend ANOTHER day on the front pair!"

I too am sorry to hear about your family's loss. No matter how you pull on this, it is hard to deal with. Your Dad will greatly appreciate having his girl around, I can assure you of that. I think you can be a great source of comfort and strength for him. God bless you both.

And, we want to see more on the SS build. Can't have too many pix.

And how are you keeping this secret from your dad all this while? Can't believe this cat is still in the bag. You are driving it to Carlisle in May, right?? Little shake-down cruise? BWAAAHAAAHAAA. You're taking a plane, as I hear it. We will have a PAR-TEE.
Had to share the info with Dad's brothers so that they did not schedule the scattering of Barbara's ashes for the same weekend. One brother is in New York, the other up near Whitehorse, YT. They are both "good" for the secret and the one from Canada may even be able to come down.

Steve tweeked his back and has not been able to do any work on the car, so I embarked on a most unpleasant and largely unnecessary task. I decided to clean and paint the undercarraige. This is a genuine rust free car, but it was pretty grubby on the bottom side. We don't have a lift, so it's crawl, crawl, crawl... Scrub, scrub, scrub... The factory finish (such as it is) was completely intact. Lacking the ability to safely pull the body off the frame and do this right, I settled for a good cleaning, self-etching black primer and a rubberized undercoating. The risk with taking the body off the frame with this car and our limited equipment is breaking the rear window. The window is about $800 used plus shipping. The real killer is the rear window seal. They aren't made anymore, they are unique to a year and a half of limited production plus nobody in the aftermarket will touch them. Last NOS one sold for over $2,000. So this weekend of knuckle busting, hand aching, dirt in the eyeballs torture will keep the car good for plenty of years.

Steve intends to paint in April. He's finally happy with the body work. The nose gave him fits - stock wasn't good enough. Spent almost $150 just on the material to make it right (factory "perfect" my ass). Down to block/sand, block/sand, then jamb and paint.

Oh - we picked a delivery day (Brother Wayne and I). The Friday before Father's Day. Big cruise here in town for that weekend. Going to deliver it at the signups so that Dad can take it for a drive on the poker run. Going to try to exhibit it with a vendor which is the only way Dad could show it as the event is limited to 72 and older - except for Vendors. It's the biggest show around here. Everybody goes and I'd like him to have the chance to have a car in it.

D-Day is coming.
Oh Vince, I love you man! Got to watch that welder splatter though. Reminds me of a funny story...

I went down to the range to destroy a few targets with my Sig. That little gun has a very strong eject. Brass flies everywhere. Because of that, I usually line up to the far right so that the THREE tables to the right of me don't get showered with the hot ejects. I'd probably put well over a 100 rounds through when one of the little stinkers bounces off the adjacent wall and straight down the front of my shirt.

Lodged, dang near red hot, between my bra and my tata... I shrieked and jumped up and down, did a crazy dance and finally got the hot shell off my tender girl bits. Then I looked around and about half the guys were under their tables hiding...

Buncha pussies. Like a red-head screaming and spinning around in circles with a loaded pistol is something to be afraid of...

Vince, Thanks for digging in the archives and setting me straight on angela -- she is very talented, clearly -- ;-)

angela -- this really does not need saying, but will say it anyway: I can't wait to meet you at Carlisle, but please leave the Sig at home, OK? It is safe to say that I have never met a woman with your set of talents and interests. I hope the girly parts suffered no permanent damage . . .
We are REALLY looking forward to going to Carlisle! Finally to put faces with on-line personalities!

You know what? Steve has been shot with a gun. I know what you're thinking and NO, I was NOT involved...

He and a bunch of buddies, all in their early 20s, had been out drinking (of course - it always starts like this). They were all hanging around in down-town Medford, whooping at girls, being noisy, etc., late one Friday night. They manage to really piss off some guy who goes home and gets a 22 rifle. Pissed-guy drives back through downtown Medford and opens fire at the group. Steve gets shot in the fleshy area of the hip. Nice clean shot, through and through the love-handle area. Well, it was a nice clean shot until Steve's drunken buddies decided to "dig out the bullet so he wouldn't die of lead poisoning..."

With a pocket knife, they start digging into his hip. I guess it took about three people to hold him down while the 4th performed side-walk alcohol-induced surgery. The ambulance arrived and took Steve away before the makeshift Doctor removed a kidney or castrated the poor guy. Nobody at the time realized the bullet had gone THROUGH. Man they dug the hell out of that!

He still has both scars. Big on the entrance side (enlarged with the pocket knife) and small on the exit side!

One more reason not to be drinking with certain people...
Just thought I'd give all you all an update on Dad's SS. Steve's back was tweeked, so he took a couple of weeks off this work, but got back to it on Saturday. More blocking, priming, etc. He's VERY happy with how this beast's body work is turning out. If all goes well, next weekend is the final block and prime. After that, we start putting shiny stuff down!

I had pulled the driveshaft as I wanted to replace the u-joints (one was a little stiff and they are the sealed type). So I get the darn thing out and I could NOT get it apart! Ridiculous! I've done way way harder things that replace u-joints. Well, it turns out the darn things are GLUED in by the factory according to the driveshaft shop I took it to. So he'll replace them and re-balance the driveshaft. Seriously - whose STUPID IDEA was it to GLUE in the u-joints and further use non-greasable ones? GAHH! Somebody deserves a kick in the balls....

Pulled the carpet and console. Removed the bad body sealant inside the car. I'll reseal and then rhino-line the interior and trunk. Reformed the plastic fender extensions that were warped, removed the seat tracks to shorten and lower the seats. Also, one was broken from my burn-off adventure (hehehe). Sand blasted a handful of small parts, coated them, sanded the mirrors, etc.

Moving forward....
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