good to see everything is now back under control!
I've been lucky, I guess, that I've not had any problems with my heart.
My brother, on the other hand, died last Spring at 65 of a massive heart attack. He was fine one minute and keeled over the next and was dead as he hit the floor.
Given that (and he had no prior indications), I decided to pay for my own Heart scan a few weeks back, just to see if there was anything untoward going on in there, like a 90% blockage that I don't know about, just waiting for a quiet moment to fully clog.
So I go to the local hospital's imaging department and they prep me and get me on the scanner (a Big, Friggin, donutty-thing). First, they did a chest scan as a reference. No big deal. Then they put a catheter about the size of a small Oak tree in my arm, prep up something clear (I'm fully awake through all of this) and then tell me: "We'll be administering a trace chemical to make the heart tissue and arterial flow show up better on the imaging. You should feel a mild warmth as it's injected."
OK, I'm fine with that - whatever "mild warmth" means.
The tech zaps the syringe and, all of a sudden, it feels like molten lava has been injected into my forearm and within 10 seconds I could feel it spreading throughout my entire body and I really feel like I have to take a leak, RIGHT NOW!
Just as fast as that stuff spread, I could feel it waining and it was gone.
"Holy Shit! What the hell WAS that? It felt like the hot flashes my mother was always having!"
"Oh, you'll be OK. Your body absorbs it really quickly and the warming sensation will be gone in a minute."
Sure enough, in another minute everything was back to normal, even though my heart was thumping away for another minute or two.
Anyway, I found out a week later that everything in there is "normal" with no blockages evident. Good thing, too, 'cause I'm not going through THAT again.