We braced the bee-Jeezus out my driveline with solid mounts, not the rubber dudes, GB643-thingie and in another few hundred hours I am going to dump the clutch again to see what happens...
At Knotts last year I hadn't finished the bracing and only had the GB643 in place. I cracked the nose cone when I hole-shot a Cobra on Beach Ave...no wheel hop though, just lit both tires and saw the tach scream up to 7000+, hit second and away we went, with yet another signature asphault burn!
Currently, with more bracing as described, all I can say is if you want a 'seat of your pants' driving experience, stiffening up the mounts to support a torquier engine will give it to you...along with a need to see your dentist to replace a loose filling or two!