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We're going to have to get an exercise routine set up for Kelly. I thought the Mexican food we had with him Tuesday night would stick with him a few more days. Nothing on that table looks like it would make it by my low fat, no cholestrol restricted diet. I don't see a salad there!

Make that "DOS Tortilla Bill"

Get Kelly back so he can work on my speedster this weekend --- Carlisle is fast approaching!
Missiles??? I don't fire 'em -- I don't even build 'em. I just design 'em. Besides, why would I be lookin' to piss off the bunch of flyin' leathernecks at Miramar? I like those guys! Semper Fi, and all that stuff.

I admit that even I was amused (amazed?) at the notion of dining out w/ Wolfgang, BERT, Lane, et al. on one night in DC and sitting next to MUSBJIM wolfing down the best barbeque around the next night in SD. My mind knows that if only takes about five hours on a plane, but still -- it seems WEIRD.

It was great to meet a few new faces, vs. just the virtual kind you get here on the Forum. Too bad Sandy Eggo is having a cold snap (it's only 60 here) and these warm blooded SoCal'ers would not get their speedies out and do some cruisin'. Pierson, in an effort to fix that, suggested we get together today, but my business meeting was too long to allow that, so we're going to hook up for breakfast and such before I go for my plane ~noon tomorrow. Pictures to come if it happens.

There is not a better bunch of folks to go hang w/ than Speedster (OK, and Spyder) freaks. Very very cool. On either coast.

PS: While sitting next to MUSB, I leaned pretty hard on him about Carlisle. I explained that there was NO WAY he could not get it done. I even told him I'd drive to Gettysburgh, and we can tour that hallowed ground for four score and seven minutes. -??- MUSB: MAKE IT HAPPEN. Plus Vince and angela, and who knows who all else will be there. Gonna be a PARTY!

i think I better stop now, I'm beginning TO SOUND TOO MUCH LIKE gerd . . .
Great company and truly fine hospitality. Although visit was short, I had a fine time, and did manage some CA cruisin'

PS: I had to get back home -- much to do -- so sorry to miss the C&C ritual. NExt time, I'll stay a day or two more, if I can. C&C is way cool, and Will said he though he'd go and maybe MUSB too. So it should be just another sunny car cruisin' day in Paradise tomorrow. You guys have got it good out there on the Left Coast.


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  • CA_Dudex.jpg
  • WillPSanDiego
  • MUSBSdiego
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