I'm batting about .540 on remembering my kill switch before re-starting the engine. I don't use it very often, but when I do, I'm pretty forgetful.
It's just a little hidden toggle, but it nearly did me in this afternoon.
Of course, the car always lets me know that the fuel pump is disabled, but not until a few hundred yards after starting.
On a trip for gas, I ducked into the hardware store next door for about 20 minutes. I flipped the switch before getting out of the car. Of course, when I got back in, I forgot to reengage it, and just started her up and proceeded towards the parking lot's exit, near a busy intersection in Scottsdale (Scottsdale Road and Pinnacle Peak Road, for those who have been in the neighborhood).
I looked to my left, and I knew that if I gave her the gas, I could goose her into traffic nicely, and so prepared to blast-merge into fast-moving, westbound traffic.
And then it happened...
I stomped on the go-pedal, and, as I entered the near lane, she coughed like Doc Holliday near the end of the movie.
A big KA-CHUGG!, then silence. Thankfully, I had enough momentum going to enable me to wrench myself to the shoulder just before traffic began whizzing by me.
Lesson learned, nearly the hard way.
I'm beginning to believe that a clutch pedal alone is becoming the biggest theft-deterrent in motoring, anyway.