Here is an interesting little tidbit from an old magazine reprint I just bought off Ebay concerning Vintage Speedsters. I'n not sure of the date of the reprint but it states that Vintage has built "1,000 Speedster replicas" --so it's a few years old as they have passed 2,000 by now (August, '07).
The article says that about 3% of VS cars are kits so out of 2,000 cars so far about 60 were kits and 1,940 were turnkey. (Of course that's if that percentage held for all 2,000.)
I am just thrilled with my VS --it was made last March and is everything I had hoped forand more so far. I have avidly read every past post on VS I could find. It appears that many engines sort of blew up in the past---disintegrated mostly because of cheap cast partsin Mexican engine--and no doubt from some abuse. I am very hopeful that after 2,000 cars, this problem is not a factor with the more recent cars and this problem has been remedied.
Anyone have ant thoughts on this? ---Jack, Hot Springs
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