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Hi.  I have had a background in rehabilitation, and now am a Rep for one of the biggest companies that produces replacement knees.  Although I no longer deal directly with the patients after surgery,  I have seen thousands of Total Knee Replacement surgeries performed.  To answer your question,  It all depends on YOU.  It depends on how often you use the continuous passive motion machine CORRECTLY.  Go to therapy, work hard, and bend and straighten your knees.  On average, 6 months is about the time that the pain and swelling will start to subside and when you should be able to get into deep flexion to get into your speedster.  But, if you don't start out with the knee flexion that you need to get into your car now, you wont have it later when you actually need to get into your car. 

I am lucky enough not to need this type of surgery, but my wife has had both a total hip replacement ,and a total Knee replacement ,and she says the hip is a walk in the park compared to the knee. You must start moving the knee as soon as possible after surgery,and you may need to put the leg in a machine that moves the leg for you at the start. This machine can be adjusted from slight movement to extreme ,as one gets better. The machine can be rented ,or in her case was prescribed by the surgeon. In any case its a tough road and only you will know when your ready to drive again!.  My wife was 70 at the time of her knee replacement. It was a must and after all the pain ,she says it was well worth it, although in your case your having both done at the same time, that will be  tough!!!! Good luck to you ,and don't try and rush the healing to much!!!  Stu.

Hey you have my car in your Avatar! I'm the guy who bought it from your car dealer buddy. Other than an idling issue, 900 trouble-free miles. Many, many admirers at car shows with a best in show trophy tto. The color, auratium green, is perfect.
Originally Posted by Tom Boney:

I had my left knee replaced and it took me a good 6 months before the soreness was gone using the clutch.

 Best surgery I have ever had and has improved my quality of life immensely.


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