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Jim Bob Ward.

I got lucky Super Bowl night, stopped in Albersons, (grocery chain) and checked out their beer selection. Guess what, they had a six pack of Shiner Bock. I purchased it for your very own personal Knotts elexier. So along with the Anchor Steam for McSween and company, the Shiner will be riding into SoCal to rid the throats of trail dust.
I've got it in a cool dark spot in the garage so it should stay good. Can't wait.

Bruce, "The Eagle Point Guy."
1957 JPS MotorSports(Speedster)
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Jim Bob Ward.

I got lucky Super Bowl night, stopped in Albersons, (grocery chain) and checked out their beer selection. Guess what, they had a six pack of Shiner Bock. I purchased it for your very own personal Knotts elexier. So along with the Anchor Steam for McSween and company, the Shiner will be riding into SoCal to rid the throats of trail dust.
I've got it in a cool dark spot in the garage so it should stay good. Can't wait.

Bruce, "The Eagle Point Guy."
Vince I got your raffle right here buddy! Those fine elixirs, for medicinal use only, will be shared out in the heat! Vince, you will have a virgin one iced to perfection.

Bruce, I am impressed!!!! Now, if you Steve and Angela can make it to Dale's then we can sip a few! Thank you Bruce.!!!!!!!! I may make an Albertsons road stop on the way south and see if we can scrounge another 6er.
They've got this brew down here in the Low Country called "Yuengling Beer - from the oldest brewery in America". It's being pushed everywhere - bars, grocery stores, gas stations, you name it. I finally got curious and tried one and it's pretty good for a distributed bottled beer, especially their Lager.

It's no Anchor Steam, and I still miss my Murphy's, but this'll hold me over til then.


That's high dollar! But, that's a funny post. Reminds me of a guy I used to work with... He was a little bit of a History nut (like me), and so now and then he and I would see a history/period/war movie at the theater together that our wives had zero interest in (Saving Private Ryan was one.). His wife used to kid him about two guys going to a matinee together and he told her; "Jim is a great date; he buys his own popcorn, doesn't talk during the show, and all he expects is a light peck on the cheek at the door when I drop him off".

Back to gas prices... that's less of a gap than I expected. It seems like we had a bigger gap between OK & CA last April. Maybe that "Yes" box I checked on the November Ballot has something to do with it. (Gas Tax).

I was just penciling in a guesstimate on how much I'll spend as I am going to stay off the VISA/MCs and use my Bank ATM Card for most of the expenses. I'll save the VISA for something special, like a swimsuit for Jody or a Jody replica body.

Called D. Penny (Sire) and left a message this morning... it's coming up soon!

Jim Bob,

OR doesn't sell above 91 octane either but the 91 is about $2.10 or so, they got it hovering around the 2 dollar mark now and anything under that will make it seem like a bargin. My 1776 seems to like the 89 Octane so a little cheaper. the gas prices go in 10 cent increments, Reg 87 is about #1.90 or so, although I haven't bought in in about 10 days so who knows now. Guess I'm going to Knotts anyway. The mystery to me is why Diesel is so much, they don't have to refine that stuff very much I don't think, add a little solvent to the crude and charge the hell out of it. I remember whgen Diesel was always much cheaper than gas, what goes?
Bruce, years ago Smokey Yunick had a column in a magazine, I think it may have been Popular Science. He thought, based upon his personal experience, that putting a diesel engine in a VW Rabbit was a bad idea. He came up with his own design using a 2 cylinder gas engine which got great mileage, but that's another story. According to Smokey, the high "cetane" diesel fuel required for auto diesels was, at the time, not that plentiful and not that cheap to produce. Could this still be the case, assuming this is true?

The Subytub runs quite nicely on 87 octane, so there will be a small savings there in the trip budget.
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