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Thank you Bruce for coordinating this... I had been mia since 06 - the year Lane had his Beck built. My son was in tow this weekend and it was his first taste of the hobby. He loved it and is hooked. Sorry we were only day trippers, next year will definitely reserve hotel earlier!! Thanks everyone, nice seeing you again Max, Rocky, Paul. Too long............
Tom -- Opened the tonneau yesterday for the ride home and there it was. The tunnel-mounted cupholder basket you won in the raffle. Thanks, man, for the totally unexpected surprise gift. So very cool. We tested it on the way home with water bottles. Hit a couple of bridge bumps that were hard enough to kick the tranny out of gear, but those bottles stayed. Thank your son for me too.

Best weekend I can remember. Best birthday I've ever had. Best people I've ever known.

Yabba-dabba-dooooo!! It does not get any better. Smooth sailing all the way around: ever so many cool cars, great weather, and the large SoCal contingent blessing our operation w/ their presences. Love those guys, even if we hate them for at least four months of the year.

Bruce and his minions know how to pull this off, and we will be ever-grateful for their efforts. Sincere thanks for all done -- it was done so well.

And so, maybe, actually, we could make it a bit better. As I thought on the way out of the Park Inn on Saturday: I think we have seen the last of this place. Between the bad service on Fri. and the acoustic overload on Sat, plus the good, but in truth only mediocre grub, I bet we can do better. I will be interested in working w/ the "Administration" toward that end.
Actually, Kelly you're the first one who said they weren't pleased with the food at the Park Inn. Quite a few people came up to and said it was good. It was also nice that they allowed us to serve ourselves instead of lording over the portions. Dessert selections were excellent too. I don't think you'll do better for the price.

Now the Nigerian music...that's a whole 'nother story.

Norma and I spent time at Visaggio's - along with every other eatery potentially big enough to hold our group, from the west side of Carlisle all the way to the river. In fact, I had reserved the date there and eventually cancelled it. The Park Inn was far ahead in negotiating selection and price - Visaggio offered only a "piece of Lasagna" and everyone got the same desert, i.e. a slice of apple pie - for more money. Of course they may not have been playing Nigerian music that night...
Ahhhhh......My dream job; Checking out restaurants by eating your way through them to see if they're "OK"......Almost as good as "eating our way across Tuscany".

Seriously, though, having done the organizer schtick for 4 years, it is amazingly hard to find a place with good food and service, competitive prices (read that "lowest" prices, for this group) that can handle 100 people or more and is conveniently located such that we, as a group, can easily get there and find our way back to the hotel.

As a group, we've grown from 5-6 cars on Thursday evening to, what?.....over 20 cars and 40 people? Saturday has grown from 50-60 people to over 90? That head count severely limits the places available around Carlisle, so ECB, Norma and Alan have justifiably moved toward bigger towns like Mechanicsburg and Harrisburg, just to get places that can seat us all. I tried to move us all out of Carlisle years back and got a lot of flak for it as being "too far away from the show field". Where else have we ever been that cordoned off a BIG chunk of their parking lot on a Saturday evening just for our cars? It's no easy task to find those places, especially when you live a few hours away. Searching on-line is just the beginning of the quest.

I also know from my years of organizing this event that "you can't please everybody all of the time". Someone always complains about something ( often, the same people year after year). I learned to let it roll off my back while I tried to insure better success every year by doing a lot of leg work prior to the event, just like the Stumpps do. It's a good thing we're retired, as this effort can suck up a lot of time.

As far as the dinners, Kathy and I had very good food and service throughout the weekend. $30 for that level of buffet was very competitively priced. PLus, we got free, really cool, African music (although my table and some others moved to the far side of the room......)

Anyway, complainers aside, I thought it was a well planned, well-thought-out and successful weekend that didn't break the bank, and I'm totally looking forward to NEXT year.

Thanks to Bruce, Norma, Bill and Alan for making this happen year after year!

BTW: Kathy and I stayed at the Park Inn as the 'overflow' place because we couldn't get into the brand-new Courtyard. I saw into some Courtyard rooms and they were wicked nice and the whole place still smells new. I also chose the Park Inn because I could schlep my 100 pounds of A/V equipment from the room to the banquet hall far easier than across town. Their breakfasts were quite good, service was very good, and they can expand the breakfast area for larger groups, like us or there's a Dunkies just across the street (as well as a Lowe's). The room was nice and comfortable but, of course, not as new as the Courtyard, and, depending on which building we get a block of rooms in, the parking could be totally secluded from the street for the entire group, giving more piece of mind to those who worry about their cars.

For all that, I gave up all those hours with everyone in the hospitality room at the Courtyard. Maybe next year we'll be closer to the rest of the group, but we still had a great, great time.

BTW: I don't want anyone to think I'm targeting people who thought things were sub-par over the weekend. I'm not. If you didn't like something and think it might be improved, do what Kelly Frazer did a few posts up, and volunteer to be part of the organizing group for next year to make whatever you didn't like, better. Kelly did exactly that during my tenure when he recommended the tour of the Harley Davidson factory. Who knew that we would arrive on "No Guamaniacs Allowed on Tour" day?? Wasn't our fault, for sure.....

Anyway, I've had my rant. Good memories all around and already thinking of things to do next year to help out Norma and ECB, or whomever picks up the torch to be leader of the pack!

The Speedstah Guy from Grafton (gotta get an updated picture, though)


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  • Me and Pearl
Just for the record, I said the food was good, for buffet style, which is the way to do it for schedule's sake. And yes, the deserts were top-drawer, no complaint there. I have had better chix/beef buffets. I'm just saying that I think we can do better, and I'd be willing to help figure that out. I suppose the biggest questions is: how deep is the average SOC/Carlisle pocket? How much would be considered too much, per head, for the big banquet bash? That input would help a lot. I get the impression that some feel that "free" would better suit them, but being realistic, I wonder where we stand on this? At $30.00, are some already declining the invitation?

At first I questioned the $30 tab with members at the table. Then realized later...the food was good, plentiful and hey yeah...the dessert was great. Now, factor in (discount) the tax and tip was included, we're looking about $23.00 per head . We did have a private room, space for Gord to do his excellent presentation and we didn't have to mess with mixed/group/ individual bills etc. ECB did all of this for us. I think it was a very fair deal. The music next door was a bit much but it died down in time for when we needed to be heard. I went away happy.
A very well executed weekend, period. I challenge anybody to do better for what we got for the area. Hotel, friggin' AWESOME, NEVER going back to HC! Caddyshack is good as always, Saturday dinner was VERY good for the price, the staff were polite, and the room was nice. How the heck was Bruce to know there would be the loudest, wildest 50th bday party ever? Betcha it doesn't happen again next year! I only have one complaint, it seems as though they weren't ready for us or couldn't handle about 90 people coming in on Friday.

Other than one small complaint(and we did get served eventually), I challenge anybody to do better than these guys: Bruce, Norma, Alan, and of course, my man Wild Bill!
For those who have not heard:
The story I heard about Legends was three waitresses quit either earlier that week or the previous week. The waitresses they had working Friday were pulled in from the restaurant next door (or other places) and were not familiar with the computer system in Legends. You may have noticed them grouped around the screen alot, probably the reason stuff was missed and not coming out of the kitchen or was late.

The people I dealt with were reminded several times that the staff at Legends needed to be informed in advance and be ready so we didn't run into complaints from the staff like we did last year. I notified them that we would have about 90 people and was told that night by the catering manager that we actually had 81. The bar manager disagreed and said we had way more show up than we advised - go figure.

No excuses, just a timing issue otherwise we may have had a great night there. Some were happy, many were not.

The Park Inn banquet catering service and the Legends Bar & Grille are handled as two separate businesses. As Danny said above, I feel safe in saying the staff, service, food, etc in the banquet room were fine. Regarding the Nigerian music...I spoke to both night managers several times and was told the party told them they were bringing entirely different music and was told a couple of times to tune the noise down and even pulled the plug on one of their speakers. I was promised the band would stop playing from 8:00-9:00 so we could have our awards and presentation but at 8:00 it was obvious they were not stopping. At 8:10 I talked to the night manager standing outside our room, he had a headset on and told me "the assistant manager just called engineering to have them cut the power to the band". The music stopped about 8:15 and we were able to have the awards and Gordon's presentation in peace.

One of the other key things we look for is parking and certainly the Park Inn/Legends has that. Alot of the places in the area that we looked at had parking equal to what we used and their usual customers use the same space so we would not have been happy with that. Food, service, price and facilities are also very important. The group is getting bigger every year and even though we all say bigger is better we may have to consider other options in the future.

Now that the Sunnyside is closed we are basically looking at arrangements similar to planning a wedding reception in fact, we were getting the same menu/facilities/pricing information to review that you would for a wedding reception. If anyone has ever coordinated and/or paid for a wedding reception you can understand what I'm talking about. The park Inn gave us a REDUCED price and even threw in things like a huge desert selection, video screen, PA system and table settings.

I thank everyone for their understanding. We will not be returning to Legends any time soon. Next year - our 10th anniversary - will be way better so come on out and celebrate with us.

Thanx Guys! I must say Jon at the Caddy Shack has taken good care of us these past 6 yrs. or so.

The "secret" to their better handling our crowd is their ordering system. The waitresses have smartphone like devices that send your order directly to the kitchen and bar. No writing out tickets. This also makes separate checks easily done.

I am toying with the idea of delaying dinner next year 1/2 hour to 7 pm. I think this may alleviate the usual crowded parking lot. I noticed many golfers leaving around that time.

I can hardly believe that it's been a week since we were meeting in the Marriot parking lot! Incredible time was had by all.

I only pray we have the weather for the 10th anniversary that we had this year. It's going to be "special"!!



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  • UmmmmBeer2012
Same here---great idea having a dinner/BBQ catered.

And Bruce--things happen and when you are with a great group of folks like we were, it's all good. Actually we had a lot of laughs over the Nigerian party next door. I am certain that several conceptions took place as they were really whooping it up over there!

For my money, this was by far the best Carlisle event I have attended and this was #5 for me. Anyone who has ever organized such a big event as we had knows that it ain't easy---impossible , actually but this was fabulous---all of it. Om balance I give the weekend a 99.9 and it would be 100 if it stretched to another day so I could have more time with everyone who was there!

Thanks for all the hard work you and Norma did---plus all the others who helped with planning.
We might be able to do the b-b-q thing right on the Carlisle fair grounds. Nicer than the hotel parking lot.

At the Chrysler show, my Mopar club feeds about 150 people (give or take a few).

We bring all the food and cooking stuff in ourselves. But that's with big old "A-murri-can" cars with big trunks, not to mention a couple station wagons and a Ram pickup or two.

Carlisle staff know us well and work with us to get a nice space.

They might feel different if the picnic was catered.

But it would be worth asking.
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