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My 2005 Audi allroad  popped an air spring Monday on the way home from work. Down the front suspension went, so far that the tires were touching the inner fender liners. You couldn't turn the wheel if you wanted. Flatbed took me home, covered by roadside assistance. Minor inconvenience, but still a PIA.

I replaced the springs/bladders in front last year with units from Arnott. They do have a lifetime warranty, and this one definitely failed in normal service, so I'm sure I'll get reimbursed.

Anyway, the point of this: I ordered a new spring from Autohaus AZ on Tuesday morning, and chose standard(FREE) shipping, as next day or two-day was about $100 on a $300 order. I figured I'd wait. The order came this afternoon, between 36 and 48 hours of ordering! I had the car torn apart but hadn't even received a shipping notice yet! As Maddie says, "BAM!"

The part is on the car and all is back to normal. I just wanted to share my exemplary service with them. I've ordered a bunch of stuff for the German daily over the years and have always gotten good service. They even carry a Bosch ignition switch for us for a reasonable amount, which is how I found them.

Now I just need a return authorization for the defective air bag.

2016 Vintage Spyder 2165 type1 EFI/Dry Sumped

Last edited by DannyP
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