JEEZE ! Whats happening ? It looks like only one new post in the last four days ! Everybody must be hibernating or something ! Must be waiting for better Spring weather ?
I have my new roll-bar out for powder coating right now. It will be ready next week. This whole roll-bar thing started because of Lane Anderson (whom I've never met) and after I saw his facial photos I decided it's time for seatbelts and a roll-bar. I have named it after Lane, hence, the name LANE ANDERSON ROLL-BAR. (not what you thought huh)
I actually made three out of wood. The first one went into my fireplace. The second got cut up and redesigned and turned out looking really nice and it's about as good as I could do to blend in with the rest of the curves of these cars. I tried other curves and angles but just couldn't come up with anything that looked better that was functional as a roll-bar and would allow an attachment point for shoulder belts.
To save a long read and to add something to the slack period here on the forum I'll just show the roll-bar mounts in my car and how I attached them. This was not as difficult as it may seem and as you can see, I didn't have to totally remove the carpeting to do it, just peel it back a little. I've posted these photo's before but now they will have more meaning since I have a roll-bar to show next week. By the way, I can just barely get the top up over the new roll-bar. ( I'm 5'10").............Bruce