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Once again some Speedster/Spyder folks are going to the festival on Labor day weekend.

The day we go is Saturday, August 30th.

We usually meet around 10 a.m. in the Porsche paddock. If you want to park there order your ticket now and you need to pay extra for the paddock pass. This entitles you to a couple parade laps around the track.

Ralph Loren's cars are featured this year and Stirling Moss is the honored guest. I wonder how many years he has left? Without being morbid I'm guessing not many opportunities left to see this legendary man.

Cool to see old race cars driven HARD, you get to walk through the pits and get close to them, have a couple beers with friends, and enjoy the grassy hills of one of the nicest little race tracks to go and visit.

See you there!


If you buy before August 23, the price is much lower. $35 general admission plus $15 car corral. General admission is $60 day of event and car corral not available then.

2016 Vintage Spyder 2165 type1 EFI/Dry Sumped

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Probably but they would probably prefer you parked in the British section. Ours look the part and I think that is what Lime Rock goes with. The good thing is the British cars aren't far from Porsche. Porsche gets the skidpad area. They have British, BMW, Porsche, and Italian corrals on Saturday.


It is a separate ticket and the website can be a bit convoluted but just make sure you read the items in your "cart" before you click purchase.

I'm contemplating making the trip, probably just for Saturday and most likely in "Kelvinator", my DD.  


Yes, I'm a wimp who likes no wind in my hair, no ear plugs and seasonal AC for the 2+ hour trip.


The "sort-of" B&B we stayed at last year is worth a story or two over beers on the infield.  So is the 'flower child from the '60's' who ran the place.......

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

Gordon, buy your ticket and come on down. We'll enjoy a Harpoon or two at the tent. I know Lenny and David are coming, and maybe Carl. Peter usually comes as well as Heidi and Al(but may not because of obligations).


I think Todd and Sarah may even be there.


Joel and Dan O'Connell show as well.


Plus my 911 friends, Jim, John, and Mike.

Frank- get going on a room for Saturday night.  Most places are sold out before now within 10 miles of the track.


My son is moving to a new house that week and we're supposed to be helping so I'm hoping all of the big stuff is done before Saturday and I'll be free.  Bought the pass on-line already and can be there in about 2 hours so it looks good.


After missing Carlisle this year it'll be good to see you'se guys and gals again!  Especially at one of the nicest tracks in the US!  -  gn

Don't sweat it.....I'm the only one who looks weird...or maybe a little like Richard Geer.  I had to get new glasses, just to look more like ME!


 Everyone else looks just like what they type.  


Danny P!!   Maybe it might be a good idea to specify a meeting place?  Like the infield bar, or the infield bar, or maybe the infield bar? You get to specify the time........If it's early, we can meet for coffee....  (but not before 8am) or we can trade cell phone numbers.


And Frank - Don't underestimate the allure of Lime Rock.  I totally would not be surprised if Ralph Lauren showed up and wanders around the paddock.


Chris just better not screw up my one and only Speedstah Day this year with some last minute moving stuff!!



Last edited by Gordon Nichols
At the top of the page I stated that we meet around 10 am in the Porsche paddock, which is the skidpad at the top of the hill on the backside of the track in the infield. It is immediately to the right after you cross the bridge that enters the infield proper. Or on the Back Straight close to West Bend if you know the track layout.

10am - Even better.


I had visions of leaving around 6am to be on the field around 8am.


Come to think of it, leaving at 6am might not be so bad - Smoke it on out the Mass. Pike in Hyper Drive and be there in time for breakfast on the infield and see if there's anyone kicking around from the Rolex world that I might know.  Then wander around the pits and "garages" and catch up with you guys at the Porsche Corral around 10am.


Sounds like a plan.


Be on the lookout for Rich and Michelle(?) Milczanowski and their Speedster somewhere, too.

Ordered tix this a.m. I guess I'll be parking in the Brit Paddock. Plan is to drive up the night before and stay over at mom's or sis's house. Sister's in Shelton, that looks like about an hour & 10. So if i leave the house at 6 I'm probably lost in the infield circa 7:30 or so.


Gonna want some phone #s from some of you. I grew up in CT but have never been to Lime Rock. 


Looking forward to it.

It turns out that that day is my son's big house moving day (he's moving about 1/2 mile to a new home), but I'm hoping that if I help him move all of his garage and basement stuff during the week, he'll not miss me on the weekend.  Besides, he has a mover for the big stuff and won't need me for that.


Still have my pass for Limerock and really hoping to be there Saturday....

OK, so the deal is, Chris is having some "Movers" come in to move all of his "BIG THINGS" next Saturday.


Me: 'So does that mean that they want everyone else out of the way so they can do their thing?'


Chris: "Yes, just me and Karen need to be here"


Me:  'Good, because I'm going to Lime Rock!'


BTW:  Getting Chris to come is an 'ain't gonna happen' moment.  Chris has gone to the "Dark Side" of the Force.....drives an Audi A4 (under warranty), his wife drives a Jeep Grand Wagoneer (under warranty), they have two boys under 4 yrs old, they've just moved to a 'Shi-Shi' neighborhood to a bigger house and he travels across North America for work about 70% of the time.  No more race car, and he's been out on his motorcycle exactly zero times this year.  Reminds me of myself (minus the big house) when I was working.....A time I hope to forget, eventually.  Retirement is SO much better!

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

Yeah, I know......


It's one of the best feeling tracks in America.  Better than WG, WAY better than Road Atlanta, better, even, than Sebring or Laguna Seca.  IMHO it's up there with Goodwoods and almost the Nurburg Ring (although that's a whole different class of track).  This is "local" racing, on a great track at the pinnacle of the experience, and THAT's why people love the place.


Gonna try like hell to be there.......just to BE there!

Yeah, I know what you mean.


I was on the "Ring" years ago in a rented Merkur doing about 240 kliks when I got passed by something that made it seem like I was dragging the brakes.  I mean like "Swooosh!" and it was gone.  Couldn't even identify the damn thing - just that it was black.


Lime Rock ain't like that, folks......The straights aren't designed for much over 140, But it's still one helluva cool track!

Last edited by Gordon Nichols
I know what you mean.  We had a BMW(it was 1994) that would top out at about 130mph.  We came into the Karrussel(sp) and there was a tour bus on the upper level so we went deep dish on the concrete and we're spit out the other end.  Kinda the opposite of your experience regarding speed though.  I've driven Lime Rock and it's a real blast.  It would be so much fun in a vintage auto to be sure at any speed.😳

Carl, it doesn't matter if you have a Paddock Pass, you pay $15 to LRP so they have to let you in. In years past, Lenny and I would get waved in without a pass. They know they are faux, but don't seem to care. SO if you pay, you get to go.


The Sunday car show is possibly a different story. There is a guy on spyderclub who always goes to the car show on the track, don't know if he shows the car or not.

As it turns out, my local 356 club is heading out Saturday to Ravena, NY (three hours one-way from here) to an appreciation day open house at Unobtanium Inc., and then a bunch of them are heading to Lakeville, CT, that night to be at LRP on Sunday for the car show around the track.  That is always a pretty good show.


For those of you who've never been to Lime Rock Park, they are situated in a very quiet, rural area, so to be good neighbors there is NEVER any racing on Sunday at LRP.  Saturday and Monday (Labor Day) will be racing and Sunday they open up the entire length of the track, the infield and Paddock to a huge vintage racing car show.  People just meander along the track, looking at all of the wonderful old cars and rubbing elbows with all sorts of racing celebrities.  Last year Kathy and I walked a while next to Scott Pruitt and his wife, all of us just having a great time.


See you all tomorrow!


Oh! - where and when should we all be meeting up?  Infield food building is a good place.....10 AM?  I have cell #'s for Len, Danny, Carl and the Milczanowski's.  


IF YOU ALL EMAIL ME WITH YOUR CURRENT CELL PHONE NUMBER I'LL MAKE A LIST AND EMAIL EVERYONE BACK WITH IT.   That way, it might be easier to find one another once we get there.


speedstahguy at

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