It should be fairly straight forward, but I'll tell you my story to balance things just a bit.
I bought the header and muffler from A-1. I had new heat exchangers and sent them down to be modified to 1-5/8". The engine was new, fresh from CB after my original 2165 broke a crank at the flywheel side, so the engine was out and on the support.
The exhaust and heater box flanges that bolt to the heads are larger and thicker than the original units so I had to dremel the tin to get it to fit around the flanges. That would have been a real bitch if the engine had been in the car, I'd have pulled the engine to do that. Next, the angle of J-tubes in the HB's did not line up with the flanges on the exhaust header so I had to heat the J-tubes and bend both towards the center of the car.
Don't get me wrong, no blame at Tiger at all. Specialty cars can have some specialty problems. I fixed it and love the header.
I just wanted to pass on a slight possibility of a problem.
Also, for my car, an IM has the engine mounted further forward than a pan based car. That made it so the muffler would not fit between the header outlet and the brake caliper. Just something else to play with, I ended up leaving it with the muffler shop that adapted the wrap around IM exhaust to Tigers header. Love it!!!
Anyway, have fun working on your car.