Previous Post on Guages Well I finally got the circuit going. I can now, click left or right and immediately cancel or bring the arm to the center of the switch and the signal lights will activate for 6 beats, 6 flashes and then turn off. I got the idiot light, center of the tach to also flash. All I did after I wired it in was to locate the top center Pin of the LED 3 pin flasher and attach a small wire piggy baked where the black line is showing on the 3 pin connector. On the flasher there is also a ground wire. BTW I did have to use two diodes but the concept is simply to help me not forget the signal light on... When you get deafened with age you need help .... sometimes more help that you care to admit. Getting old is for the birds.
Update: Kahtec is the company and their products are pretty awesome ie: third eye or all rear lights flash on applying the brakes, and a lane changer 6 flash.
BTW, if you want your headlights to flash when you apply your horn with whatever horn you use, you can also do this using one of the 30A flashers. I mean if the goal is to be seen lighting, that flashes is pretty cool. _