I realize I own and love a car that other people sometimes view in a manner not unlike how I look at the abominations @WOLFGANG apparently loves.
The difference (at least to me) are two:
1) My car is faster than the original, and better in every substantive way. The cars that Wolfgang loves are not. They're an order of magnitude slower and worse from a performance standpoint. A Superformance GT40 or Cobra is stupid-cool. I'm not a fan of the Fiero/Ferrari or the Chrysler Sebring/Bentley replicas because they are far worse than the originals. Putting this car in the same discussion with a Porsche 917 is so silly it shouldn't warrant a comment (and yet, here we are again - commenting).
2) The CMC "359" and this Laser "917" look like a Porsche 959 and a Porsche 917 in the same way that weak instant coffee tastes like espresso - which is to say, they don't. They look like blow-molded plastic versions or unlicensed Chinese knockoffs. They're bad in a way that's hard to overstate.
I know this is a replica website, and I know this is a big tent - but to say that I hate these cars is weak-sauce compared to how I really feel about them.
They're bad in every possible way.