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Wanna saddle up and rip around Malibu tomorrow morning?   Come one, come all.  Run what you brung.  If you're interested, here are the details:

Who:  So far, it's just @Karyadi and me.  May also include a knucklehead or two from my neighborhood

What:  1 - 2 hour loop through the Malibu canyons

When:  7am on Saturday, December 10th (latecomers risk being left behind)

Where:  Meet at -

Patrick's Roadhouse

106 Entrada Drive

Santa Monica, CA 90402

Why:  If you're asking this question, you're reading the wrong website.

How:  Spirited

Sorry for the last minute notice.  Eddy and I concocted this scheme only moments ago.

Hope to see you!


Tom Murtaugh

'13 JPS Suby Speedster

Encino, SoCal

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"Why:  If you're asking this question, you're reading the wrong website."

Ok, Tom; I got quite the laugh out of that!

And what Bob said; it's a bit of a hike for me as well! I don't think any of us northerners could even get there by 7am...                                                                    

And remember- we need pics.

Last edited by ALB

I didn't get this message until tonight so I'm out.  But I'm back from Mexico and just looked to see if Rhonda is still here in all her Red Glory.....She is !!    So is anyone up for a mount Wilson Cruise in a week or two when the weather looks bright and sunny ?

I'm dying to get out and stomp on the pedal and get some "TUM's"  (Thumbs up per Mile) on a nice curvy trip. "Skeletor" will be my co-pilot........Bruce

OK fellas.  You asked for it, you got it.  Here are some pix from Eddy's and my impromptu Saturday morning cruise...

Eddy posing with with the auto showcase at the Malibu Country Mart Starbucks.


Eddy says that this decal used to have flesh and feathers, but he drives so fast they all blew off!












Finally, an action photo:  warming up our tires on PCH on the way toward Latigo Canyon.


On Mulholland, moments before we crossed paths with about 20 late model Mustangs cruising toward the beach.


Sun's finally coming out, but not before water beads up on the windshield frame.


Hmmm, those are more parking lot pix than cruise pix, but you get the idea. 

We ran this loop in almost exactly 60 minutes.  Eddy led capably, as this is his regular Saturday morning sprint.  The most amazing scene was at the top of Latigo Canyon.  We crested the cloud line, bursting into sunlight and perfectly clear skies.  All the fog and mist was sitting in the canyon at road level, as if the hills were filled with cotton.  It was an incredible sight.

As quickly as it happened, we descended back into mist for the rest of the drive.  By the end of it, my windshield was wet and beads of water had formed on the frame.

Both cars performed beautifully.  Eddy and I agreed that we shouldn't let too much time go by before we give it another go.

Hope you can join us next time!


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Last edited by Tom Murtaugh
bart posted:


I am green with envy, it is about 20 here this morning in a whiteout of snow and wind.

California, the land of milk and honey....



That is what everyone thinks and then they move here only to discover high rent and unaffordable home prices along with so much traffic that it adds an extra two hours to your work day. We drove North to Irvine yesterday and the we could see the Southbound lanes were bumper to bumper 5 miles an hour from San Clemente to Irvine. That's 25 miles!! If God punishes us for our past transgressions then I suppose my punishment is traffic...

In the last ten years some 5 million people have moved from California, mostly those who can't afford to live there or avoid the traffic on the freeways. 

There are 3 people moving out for every one that is moving in.  Those that are moving in are more wealthy and more highly educated.

There are hundreds of communities in California that are extremely pleasant places to live and work and recreate....maybe thousands of places.

No one ever said the land of milk and honey was inexpensive.  If you can afford it, the central coast is about as nice as it gets anywhere in the world.




Last edited by bart

Hats, coats, scarves, and gloves off to you California cruisers!

Now, I don't use the word "hero" very often, when referring to myself, but it might be warranted here.

Imagine... Phoenix. A blustery, brutal, 58 degrees. Clouds.  YES, CLOUDS!  Others were sheltering in place, unsure of what was covering the sun, but I bundled up and hit the road to strike a pose with my girl.  (Apparently, there was something on the bottom of my shoe...)

Gray skies


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  • Any time. Any weather.
Last edited by Cory McCloskey
ALB posted:

Love the pic, Cory! I don't know why you've got a coat on though- up here 58'F is almost shorts and t shirt weather...                                                                                          Right now it's a balmy 33 or 34'F and raining.

I was just going to say that Al. Fifty-eight degrees IS t-shirt weather. Maybe 58 degrees in Phoenix is different than 58 degrees in Cali. Anyway, nice photo. Do you have a press photographer riding with you all the time?

ALB posted:

Love the pic, Cory! I don't know why you've got a coat on though- up here 58'F is almost shorts and t shirt weather...                                                                                          Right now it's a balmy 33 or 34'F and raining.

Thanks, ALB... And I know that Canucks would love 58 degrees in 10 out of 12 months -- just tweaking those poor Speedster souls who must garage their fun!

Robert M posted:

I was just going to say that Al. Fifty-eight degrees IS t-shirt weather. Maybe 58 degrees in Phoenix is different than 58 degrees in Cali. Anyway, nice photo. Do you have a press photographer riding with you all the time?

LOL No, Robert... same 58 degrees, but more shocking in the land of 120+ degrees!

You know, now that you mention it, I might engage a press photographer -- it'd save me a lot of contortions...


bart posted:

In the last ten years some 5 million people have moved from California, mostly those who can't afford to live there or avoid the traffic on the freeways. 

There are 3 people moving out for every one that is moving in.  Those that are moving in are more wealthy and more highly educated.

There are hundreds of communities in California that are extremely pleasant places to live and work and recreate....maybe thousands of places.

No one ever said the land of milk and honey was inexpensive.  If you can afford it, the central coast is about as nice as it gets anywhere in the world.

I'll second that. California citizens have made a hobby of banging on their state. It's not perfect, but it's a darned sight better than most places.

LA traffic is horrible. Not all of CA is LA. I've been in SoCal traffic, and I've been in Chicago traffic. SoCa is really, really bad. Chicago is worse.

LA is expensive. Let me assure you, there are other (less desirable) places to live that are expensive as well. Illinois has the highest aggregate taxes in the US (income/property/sales/corporate) and saw the largest exodus of any state in the country over the last decade-- the people leaving are those that can afford to go elsewhere. 

There are people leaving California to live elsewhere. They aren't coming here.

California north of Sacramento is pretty near perfect. Milk and honey, indeed.


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