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The VS2800 kit is by far the easiest thing I have had to replace on my car. These lights made a huge improvement in night time field of view. If I was looking for something to complain about it would be I can hear a noise (maybe a fan for cooling) when the lights are on and the car if not running (not that that happens to often).

The only modification I had to do on the installation was bend the clips that hold the light in just a little bit because the new light was fitting a little looser than the original light.

I would say you could remove the old lights and fully install the new lights in your car in under a hour with very basic mechanical knowledge.


FYI - I think I would have had enough room for the VC2500 if I would have went that route

The discussions about LED headlights parallel our engine discussions in some ways.  If you think scientists are neutral, impassionate purveyors of information, think again.  There are several sites dedicated to candlepower, led lighting, halogen lighting, etc.  All of them flail about and cast dispersions on each other.  They may do it in a more eloquent way than on car sites, but the message is mainly the same: my info/equation/principal beats yours, and I want you to admit it publicly.

There is some general agreement: Up to about 40 watts, passive cooling, ala heat sinks, seems to give adequate thermal management.  However, you can now buy LED headlights in the 50-100 watt range, which means active cooling is required, i.e., fans, pulsing shrouds, or some mechanism that moves air.  Almost all of the after-market add-on LED's are illegal in every state, if they use the stock headlight housing.  I'm not too concerned about headlight legality, but I do suggest that all owners of retrofitted headlights do several tests of your car in a passing car scenario, i.e., have someone drive your car at night, and you drive past it in the opposite direction under varying conditions.  Then you'll know what other drivers are exposed to regarding your car's headlights. 

Some increase in heat is due to lots of reflective material. LED's are great on a narrow band alone. For driving lights they need some help.

Just as Jim suggests the oncoming driver test, if you are using LED's for brake/turning lights, take a look at light distribution of your rear turning signals, from say the lane next to you, an important position in signaled lane changes.

Years ago (early 1980's) I visited one of those many labs around the Boston area fueled with talent from MIT.  This particular one was developing high powered Lasers for "un-named customers".  As we were touring the place, we were asked to proceed to a particular area and out on dark goggles and ear muffs as they were about to test a CO2 laser they were working on.  We all get settled and, all of a sudden, we see this 1" wide laser beam going through the top of the lab (the lab was in an old warehouse) and hear this noise like a jet engine.  The noise shocked me more than anything else - Lasers are supposed to be noise-less, right?   When asked, the tour guy said that it was a 6,000 watt white laser that heated the air as it went through and THAT is what we heard.

wow....   Just imagine what they have today.

Guys,  wanted to provide a quick update.  Been running a set of the VS2800 since October. ( both on the speedster and my family ski SUV- Honda Pilot) and so far they are awesome...

I took the bulbs from the speedster this winter and used them on our family ski car... So lots of mountain pass/ poor visibility/early morning/evening driving... And running them as daylight lights as well.   Makes my wife feel safer.

they are working great.  Better than the halogen sylvania goldstars im running on my Q7. Which have burned out once already in the same time period  ( yes..  Audi replaced the 2014 xenon/HIDs with 2009 halogen light buckets after a couple failures Audi could not de-bug... I got tired of the car spending more time at the dealer than at home.)

so the VS2800 just whent back to the speedster, and I ordered a set of the new bulbs for the SUV.. vs4000s.  Their latest bulb.

Can't wait to get it and try it on.   These could fit in the speedster as well... May just try them on before putting them I the family ski SUV.

Thomas, the business owner, had been really helpful. Great customer service and support.





Last edited by Lfepardo
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