couldnt find any article. My left turn signal doesn’t blink when headlights are on. 56 speedster. Any recommendations?
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Probably bad bulb, socket, or ground at taillight and/or turn signal.
You'll have to do basic troubleshooting with a test light and/or a multimeter.
I have the same problem with a right signal when the lights are on. I suspect a ground but I can't wait to get closer. (1200 miles away) ARRRGGGUHH!!!
I have the same issue for my Right Turn Signal as well. Any trouble shooting tips would be appreciated.
This happens to Bridget about every other year. Clean and/or replace the ground wires to the light. Then also clean and tighten any and all chassis grounds back up to the battery. All your lights will brighten up considerably.
A permanent fix is to run an individual ground to each light fixture. I did this on my open-deck trailer. There will most probably never be a wiring issue on it. If you don't make individual, questionable chassis grounds at each light, you don't have to worry about grounds going bad.
I also did this in my Spyder, running all light(turn signal, running, and headlight) grounds up to the dashboard. There, I installed a copper ground bus, with a half-dozen studs. Each stud gets star washers and a nylock nut on a ring terminal. I'm guessing the lights will work forever, as they are all LED. Every connection is soldered and insulated with marine heatshrink.
You could keep cleaning the connections every few years after they corrode again. Or you could fix it for good.
The poor quality bulb sockets on many of these cars are prone to rusting as water gets into them in time. A little sandpaper scuffing inside the socket has served me well for getting tail lights back working. Put a little oil where the rust was too. Easy peasy.
Conductive grease is better than oil, it keeps protecting the contacts....