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Ok, all you Baltimoroids and DCites, I know the last trip I was supposed to make there was cancelled, but I don't think this one will be. I expect to fly into Baltimore on Monday, 2 April, and leave on Thursday, 5 April. I will likely stay very near the airport as the place I am visiting is right there.

Anybody want to meet for dinner?

Formerly 2006 Beck Speedster (Carlisle build car), 1964 Beck Super Coupe

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I get to the hotel mid-afternoon, so my time is flexible. It makes more sense (to me, at least) if someone who knows the area picks me up at the hotel. Y'all work it out amongst yourselves as I don't know who lives near where, and what traffic you'd have to deal with. Make it easy on yourselves. I DO prefer earlier rather than later as I have an 8AM meeting the next morning.
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