According to Dr. Brett Johnson's "The 356 Porsche; A Restorer's Guide to Authenticity", on the subject of taillights:
"The rear indicator light in the first 356s was identical to the early front turn signal light, differing only in lens color. The taillightwas the rectangular Hella-made light directly above the signal unit.
According to the 1955 parts book, at coupe (chassis #) 11779 and cabriolet 15073 (1953 model year) this arrangement was replaced by the two familiar beehive light units. The inside unit was the brake light, the outside unit was the taillight and turn signal.
The outside unit was a two-poled light with a red lens. The inside unit originally carried a 15-watt bulb and a dark orange lebs. At coupe 53210 and cabriolet 60765 (early 1955) this unit was revised to accept a 20-watt bulb.
With the 356A, the miracle of rewiring transformed the inside light of the pair to become the taillight. It had a red lens. The outside unit became the turn signal/brake light and was red-orange in color.
At coupe 100001, cabriolet 61701 and Speedster 83201 (March 1957), the teardrop unit appeared, combining taillight, turn signal and brake light. This configuration continued throughout the remainder of the production. The only variation was the diffeence in all red U.S., red-amber European and amber-red Italian lenses."
(BTW, my smiley-face donation is in the mail).