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The world famous Cars & Coffee event that was recently shut down in my neighborhood (SoCal) has temporarily re-located to one of the huge shopping districts close by.


Met up early this morning with my good buddy, Rene (SOC Dutch) to check it out. Took just a few pics…(click on pics to enlarge….I mean embiggen) 




Oh, nothing! Just another one of those Porsche 918 Spyders from around the neighborhood...






MusbJim - aka; El Guapo, the most guapo hombre in all of SoCal! 


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Last edited by MusbJim
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Glad they found a spot.  We had a cold (in the 30s) start to ours yesterday, but I got some good pics before the camera battery died.


How many of you have a similar periodic gathering in your area and how many of you attend?  Ours is small (~100 cars) but Charleston is not a big city and we hold it every week.  The larger ones appear to be monthly.










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Last edited by Lane Anderson
We normally have to get to our Cars & Coffee event in Irvine, CA by 6 or 6:30am at the latest. As Jim mentioned they recently moved the location because there were just too many cars and the local residents of new Apartment housing built across the street were starting to complain about the noise...What also contributed to the move was that some of the clubs like Lamborghini, BMW would come in mass and take up way too much to see them but we just outgrew the MAZDA parking lot where the event was being held. New Year, New Space, Long Live Cars & Coffee!
Originally Posted by TRahn Weston Fl 2013 JR Suby Beck:

We have a "Cars and Coffee Palm Beach" on an early/mid month Sunday every month.  Next one is Jan 18th.   It is packed so you have to show up very early for parking place or get turned away (it happened to me in Dec).  I'm planning to go next Sunday and will try to get some pictures.


That's why I like our small event.  We gather between 0800 and 1100 and its a very relaxed, informal thing with no need for traffic control.  After being temporarily displaced by a complaining women's store (since closed) we were asked to return by the owners of the shopping center.  It seems that everyone else, particularly the nearby coffee and bagel shops, wanted us back.


Funny story about the store that complained: They were a women's store that catered to, ahem, large customers and even though we were starting to clear out by the time they opened (1000 back then) they bitched about us taking too many of the nearby parking places.  One C&C attendee noted that their customers could use the exercise. The folks that patronize the triathlon store that occupies the space now seem to have no such complaints.

This particular C&C has moved temporarily to the western-most parking lot (close to Panini Cafe) at the District in Tustin located at corner of Jamboree & Barranca. Every Saturday rain or shine. Since this is in a HUGE parking area, no need to be there at O'dark thirty. 07:00-09:00 works fine.


The old C&C would typically draw 400-450 cars every weekend, thats why they would like a large venue for a permanent location. Not to worry, there still are lots of other car meets every single day of the week year-round here in SoCal.


Last edited by MusbJim

"Seems to be Porsche dominated!"


Fig you're talking about my pics that's only because those are the pictures I posted for this crowd.  I imagine Musbjim would say the same thing.  We have a lot of classic as well as recent Amurrican iron, some Brits, some Italian, some tuners, etc.


I am envious of the selection (and the weather) for the Socal event.  If I ever get out there for business again that overlaps a weekend I really need to go see it.

Last edited by Lane Anderson
Never knew there were so many events going on. I have really been missing out. I will be at the Fairplex tomorrow!

This particular C&C has moved temporarily to the western-most parking lot (close to Panini Cafe) at the District in Tustin located at corner of Jamboree & Barranca. Every Saturday rain or shine. Since this is in a HUGE parking area, no need to be there at O'dark thirty. 07:00-09:00 works fine.


The old C&C would typically draw 400-450 cars every weekend, thats why they would like a large venue for a permanent location. Not to worry, there still are lots of other car meets every single day of the week year-round here in SoCal.



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