Well boys and girls.. If Rick White & I thought we put a few miles on our Speedster Replicas in April (1600 miles one way) then we all need to bow to one knee, remove our hats and pay homage to the mileage king at the 50th Anniversary Event. I was just reading through the two articles on Speedsters in Excellence (Sep-04) and spotted a caption under a green Speedster that had gone 3500 miles in a real deal. Pretty cool, eh? I'd like to meet that guy. By the way... that sure looked like Dale's Blk IM in the opening shot on the 50th article... several cars are sitting out in aparking lot, seaside. Anyone confirm?
BTW there was a great article about someone in Oregon that has The ULTIMATE collection of early prototype #01,02,03, a pre A proto and the first Carrera Speedster in the USA. Seems he lives in Oregon and was going to the 50th and said something about Emory's. Anyone spot his cars?
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