Skip to main content guys never cease to amaze me.  I've been keeping a list of people who sound serious about coming and already have 27 listed.  Should be another good year.     



Carlisle has been called "the family reunion without the family issues".  Join us and expect a good time. This is the eleventh year. Details will be posted on this site over the next few months including caravan listings, Speedster and Carlisle weekend activities, dinner plans, cruises, RSVP form, etc.  Note: Alan has already posted the hotel reservation instructions in a thread under "Events".  If you dialog your email address to me (see top of this page) I'll add you to the email distribution list.   ECB 

Originally Posted by Terry Nuckels--'04 JPS Speedster NorCal:


You're right, Ted. The Carlisle guys get going early on their plans and us left coasters haven't done a thing yet. 

When do we start planning for SLO? 

Vince? Slofuz Scott?



Step 1 - Ted needs to find a car...
Step 2 - see step 1.
Originally Posted by Rich Drewek:

Two days in a row of this stuff gets your mind a wandering...


Hey Rich,


Could I get you to go outside and remove those three leaves which are on the window? Not all of them, just those three there next to the thermometer. My OCD is really freaking me out, knowing that they are there and that nobody has cleaned them off. 




Originally Posted by Tom Blankinship-2010 Beck-Dearborn, MI:
I'm going & driving Natalie.  Our routes won't merge until I-80 meets I-76.  I will get on I-80 @ Toledo.  It's possible, but not too practical.

What you could do is try to meet up and just slip into the group at the merge @ I-80 / I-76. Granted, I have no idea where this is, with respect to the location of the event. For all I know, Carlisle is right at that merge. Or you may be coming from opposite directions. Looks like Google is reporting that two intersect somewhere near Ohio. Being from California, all I know of I-80 is that it merely starts or ends here.


This will seem redundant for most, but for newbies planning a route, yet you only have a 'one day' trip to your event: Try to time your travels so that you can simply 'join a pack' in route. Time it so you could meet up without actually having to stop the larger pack.  It's a bit like hitting a bullet with a bullet, but I've managed to get it right a few times. It's often easier for the smaller group to get to an on-ramp or an interchange first and simply pull off and wait for the large pack to 'catch up'.  A couple of guys could exchange numbers and have the co-pilots coordinate timing. A simple phone call from the pack to let the smaller groups know "we are 1 mile out from on ramp xxx...." works well. Twitter / social groups are other good options.  Once the message comes in, the smaller group fires up and the merges into the core pack.


Man, just typing this gets me all giddy!


Have fun, be safe. Keep a safe distance in the formation.


Last edited by TRP
Originally Posted by Rich Drewek:

Me too, Ted, just ticks me off! That and the central humidifier system needs to be dialed down a notch to get rid of that pesky condensation. When the temps get back up into the 20 C it's going to be really annoying.

Judging by the ice buildup on the windowsill inside the room, I'm guessing this is his shop/garage. If it's in his home, we need to start a collection to get that man some heat/central humidifier. 



First day I had with my car.....  525 mile drive.  Hope it would make the trip, but had owned VW's since high school.  


Drive like the place you are going to is going to be there when you get there.....  Guess what, it will be.


VW's are the peoples car.  In total, I have put about 150,000 on VW's over the years.  Only issues were with fuel.  Drove the Ghia between Winnemucca and Vegas about 8 times in a year for 3 years.  I was never worried.  


Drive it and love it.



I drove from Central Illinois to Sacramento in Sept '11, then 1000 mi driving around northern CA, then back to Sacramento (to put my wife back on the plane), then back to Salt Lake City. It was just about 3500 mi total, and my longest day was the Omaha, NE to Rock Springs, WY leg- 750 mi in one shot. The next day was Rock Springs to Reno, NV with a 4 hr detour in STL- that was a 700 mi day.


I ate beef jerky and almonds, and slept in flea-bag hotels. I had the time of my life.


The trick is to drop into a groove where the sweet spot is on the car. Mine was at about 70 mph the way I was geared at the time. 75 was possible, 80 was pushing it. 65 was just poking along.


They were made to drive. Most guys are just afraid of them. The thing is, it's a mindset-- the journey is the destination. I hadn't traveled like that since I was a teenager, and it was a revelation. A hard and fast time-table just messes stuff up-- that's why I hate traveling in a caravan. In these cars, just take however long it takes.


You'll have the time of your life.

Last edited by Stan Galat

The year: 1967. The car: '56 A coupe, 1600 N. The route: Pittsburgh west, mid-west (went through Columbus OH on Columbus day, by coincidence -- not recommended), the plains, some Rocky Mountain High (groovy, man), Utah, Reno, CA coast, Monterey, PCH through LA to Sandyeggo, east on 66, w/ kicks; Grand Canyon, ABQ, Lubbock in my rear view mirror, Lousyanna, Blue Ridge, West VA, and back to the Iron City.  ~6 weeks out, camping and flea bag motels now and then, plus a few friends/family here and there.  Right around 3 grand on the tach most of the time, 30 mpg.  Trip of a lifetime, and a lifetime ago.

Jerry, the hotel most of us are staying is in Mechanicsburg which is a nice morning drive to the show field.  If there is space, I really think you would enjoy being with the crowd.  There's always lots of car talk, bench racing and brewsky sipping to add spice to the gathering.  Also, it's the jumping off point for all of the group drives.  

just my 2 kroner

Originally Posted by Pip hancox:

Just drove my 2332 JPS coupe from Austin,TX to Temecula,CA this week non stop (only for gas and coffee). 22 hrs/1350 miles and I can say that the speedster style seats in it are unbelievably comfortable for long distant drives. Wouldn't hesitate to do it again but maybe with a little nap midway



Pip- Most excellent. Drive 'em.

When building my car, it had to go 450 miles south to sort out some registration issues, (don't ask...)


Anyway, it was trailered down, and I drove it home.....At this point the car was a new build, zero miles, and an engine I had run on the bench for 60mins.....


Drove it home without weather gear and a leaking gas tank  through some of the worst rush hour traffic around Birmingham, UK.....Made it to within 5 miles from home when the alternator pulley disintegrated.


It was an fun adventure !!

Last edited by Ger
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