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Mike and All--Took off Friday night--now have 468 miles on the car--what a kick in the A$$--even driving home in the rain(no top) and cold (68f--OK only cold for Florida) I HAD A BLAST--people honk, wave and two guys aSK ME TO STOP so they could take pics (happy to oblige)--only two or three problems-throttle linkage fell off one carb, runs better with both on-heat guage works better with wire on sender=and takes three strong guys to get one snap on tonneau(may still be there when I sell)- don't know what to say about pics to post, contact the two guys in Arcadia?--I have to wash and shine tomorrow and be ready for the next ride. Wish I had an intellegent question to ask of the brains on this board--until something breaks I'll be On The Road jkl
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