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Originally Posted by Tom Boney:

I know I am long forgotten in everyone's world,but I may be able to "borrow" my car back for that weekend. I also could bring down one of my motorcycles. I was thinking thinking the

Pannonia with the duna sidecar,but I don't think I could keep up with you crazies.

 Anyway,I will keep checking back and see what is finalized.




Nobody's forgotten you, and I harbored a hope that you might "borrow" your old car to come down. Please do. The final plans are on the "events" page titled "CD3". We are getting together the first weekend in June- Friday, Saturday, and heading back on Sunday (2 nights in the inn), and Rich picked the inn: Cornerstone Bed and Breakfast in Washington, IL.


You've gotta' come! You're a fixture!

It is a possibility for the dates you have settled on. Just need to figure logistics. It is almost 1000 miles for me, so have to make the decision to drive or flat-tow. I figure I can leave really early and have lunch with Alan and Connie at 280 miles. Then push on to somewhere, maybe Dayton, check out the Wright Bros. hometown, then sleep.


Next day get to Washington. At that point, I may not want to drive any more!


Anyway, still thinking about it.


Definitely change the oil when I get back home, 2000 miles plus the run.....

Hmmm, that is very tempting! Thank you, Tom, that is very gracious. Got to look at the map, but I think that Dearborn is a bit out of the way also. As an aside, Google Maps is now changed, and it SUCKS! It is impossible to add in a stop now which sucks.


Searching for a new map program, MapQuest is looking good all of a sudden.


One of the reasons I was going through Dayton is that it takes me through Indianapolis and close to the Hines.

Last edited by DannyP
If you go the Dayton route, the do not miss thing is the USAF Museum @ Wright Patterson.  There is the main museum outside of the base and hangers on the base that house the old Air Force One's & experimental aircraft (you have to take an Air Force bus in).  It's a free museum & right up there with the Smithsonian.  It's a full day visit.
If you go the Dayton route, the do not miss thing is the USAF Museum @ Wright Patterson.  There is the main museum outside of the base and hangers on the base that house the old Air Force One's & experimental aircraft (you have to take an Air Force bus in).  It's a free museum & right up there with the Smithsonian.  It's a full day visit.
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