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Dear reader,

I am looking for information and documents for a Beck 550 Spyder. The car has been in storage for a long time, and all the papers are missing. The car was imported from California. Does anyone know if it’s possible to request the original registration documents? I need them to apply for a Dutch license plate.

Thank you!


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That is a California SB100 sticker.  I don't recall any paperwork when getting mine around that time.  It allowed me to not have to routinely smog my car for yearly registration.  All I had to do was fill out a form and be one of the first few hundred people to do so that year, and I got the exemption.  There should be a smaller matching VIN sticker somewhere else on the car..."hidden".

I am not sure exactly what paperwork you are looking for, but you might want to contact the California Department of Motor Vehicles...that VIN gives them information they would need.

What Beck serial number do you own?

Last edited by SpyderMike

The first 100 or so Gen 2 cars (Brazilian production) had the "B" added since they (dad and Chuck) decided to start over at #001B, but then then B dropped off so we have duplicate numbers around 100-240.  Fortunately there were enough changes Gen 1 to Gen 2 that got is easy to distinguish between them, but still a pain to have to sort out which #200 Spyder you may have...

As for the lack of documentation, my father and Chuck did not keep build records, so our extensive build files start around car #900 when I started taking over and are complete through today's production (2650-something).  When an early car comes here on consignment, or service, or sometimes even just pops up for sale online, I try and add as much info to the files as I can regarding it.

Hello everyone,

It took a while, but I finally managed to purchase the Beck Spyder. The car's paperwork is complete, including the registration (California), import documents, etc. Someone asked if the car is blue, and indeed, it is.

Does anyone have a copy of the original construction drawings @chines1 In the coming period, I will be working on getting the car in order and applying for a Dutch registration.

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