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Ah, a really new member.  


Well, Steele NEVER shows up on this forum to post, but since whenever someone (like you) gets on here to complain about their inability to contact him or to get problems with their newly finished (supposedly) car resolved or whatever, then after enough of us make some noise he suddenly answers his phone or email for you (probably because he's been working on something else and avoiding you).


You said that he built you a it supposed to be finished about now?  I know he's been busy lately trying to finish one or two other cars (for people who complained on here) and yours might have fallen behind so he's avoiding you.


Give us some details so we can help figure out what's going on, then we'll talk it up a bit and offer suggestions for you.


We know Steele reads this site often, but never posts.


Also, you're not alone - this seems to happen often, especially with his Mid-West and East Coast customers.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

FWIW: This week I e-mailed John with a few questions about parts, etc. and he got right back to me, explaining that he was so damn busy with 17 (!!!) cars underway at the moment.  So he would not be able to help me further.  Have you tried e-mail?


And as to where he is: North Hollywood, CA.  In a couple of weeks he may be in Carlisle PA.


Good luck.  And as Gordon has said: give us a glimpse about your issues, and folks here will dive in w/ help, advice and/or jokes, as it suits them.

Last edited by El Frazoo
Hi Gordon:  I appreciate your fast response.  I received my car in October of last year.  I put about 300 miles on it and put it away for the winter.  (I live in Colorado)  When I went for my first drive this Spring, I found a laundry list of mechanical issues that need to be corrected.  Obviously, it's not practical for me to return to California.  I have been trying for several weeks to reach John by phone and email to discuss the issues with the car.  He will not respond.  If you could get him to call or email me back, I would appreciate it.  Thanks for your help.
Originally Posted by Gordon Nichols - Massachusetts 1993 CMC:

Ah, a really new member.  


Well, Steele NEVER shows up on this forum to post, but since whenever someone (like you) gets on here to complain about their inability to contact him or to get problems with their newly finished (supposedly) car resolved or whatever, then after enough of us make some noise he suddenly answers his phone or email for you (probably because he's been working on something else and avoiding you).


You said that he built you a it supposed to be finished about now?  I know he's been busy lately trying to finish one or two other cars (for people who complained on here) and yours might have fallen behind so he's avoiding you.


Give us some details so we can help figure out what's going on, then we'll talk it up a bit and offer suggestions for you.


We know Steele reads this site often, but never posts.


Also, you're not alone - this seems to happen often, especially with his Mid-West and East Coast customers.


My own experience is that John has been very prompt and helpful.


I have owned several non production cars and I just accept the fact that with the seller, builder, dealer ect being several thousand miles away....


That unless, it is a big item costing thousands to repair or replace, to save my time and trouble, I just fix it or have it fixed locally and just move on. 


The forum members have been a terrific source of information and help.


Component cars always have a laundry list of problems that need to be sorted out. .  

Last edited by bart

Post a list of mechanical work needed and estimated cost to have it done.  You should have better than a 6 month 300 mile warranty.  I'd get local estimates to do the work and send copies via registered mail to John Steele with letter that you expect a prompt reimbursement check.  If you don't get satisfaction I'd file complaint with BBB in CA and with CA State's Attorney General.  If repairs are small (minor oil leaks, clutch adjustment, carb adjustment) - I'd just suck up the repairs as Bart said.  

Did you follow Gordon's new car check list when you received the vehicle? 

"If you could get him to call or email me back, I would appreciate it."


That one had me laughing. Nobody here, and maybe nobody anywhere, and certainly not Gordon, can get JPS to do or not do anything, just 'cause they say so. 


That said, JPS has always had a reputation for dealing with his customers, old and new alike.  In your case he should be tuning in and giving you advice, if nothing else.  Keep trying.  You are under warranty, seems to me.


And while we are at it, perhaps you can say here what sort of things you are concerned about.  Then, the great unwashed population of the SOC can take their best shots.

I'm the second owner of a JPS coupe.  First owner very unhappy and I've got a couple issues which I am trying to sort out.   My thoughts?   I am some what sympathetic to John because  it's got to be a challenge to get these cars completely right.  He's operating a small shop and trying to make a few bucks doing so.   The rub of course is what the new owners are expected to get.   I figured going into this that a new car is a new car and should be expected to be darned close to 100% spot on.   The consensus is that's not what happens with these cars no matter who builds them.   Some builders do better (perhaps a lot better) then others.   I've decided to not try to fight an up hill battle or make a "stink" about the problems.  (Life is too short)  For you people considering a build be prepared to wait and be prepared to have some sorting to do.    THEY ARE NOT NEW CARS. ( In the definition of new cars meaning drive them with no problems.)  I am not saying JPS doesn't make a nice car.  My car is very nice but if your expectations are not in alignment with what the realities are you might want to buy a new Miata rather then a replica speedster.   You have to really want what you are going to get and you also have to UNDERSTAND what you are buying.  I didn't and I blame myself more then anyone else.   Truth in advertising?   Not really (in my opinion)   I don't believe John has entirely met his obligations to me while I am certain he feels he has. I am willing to agree to disagree and let it at that.   If you are "local" to his shop I am rather certain your experiences with John Steele and JPS will be much closer to the 100% then us East Coasters.   This is not new news.    I do believe John Steele is an honest fellow who tries to do his best.   Could he do better? YES but who among us couldn't?

These cars and for that matter any replica/kit car probably should not be purchased by some one with little or no auto mechanical back ground or a good friend with same.   Buyer be informed.  

So, where are we going w/ this?  Can we hear what's buggin' you, and maybe help some?  Lots of experience here.  I have a '07 JPS Speedster (made to order) that I have been "sorting" for a few years now.  There are still some things w/ the car the way it was made originally that I am fighting.  John said he drove my car around before he sent it east.  I do not believe this.  The odo had like 15 miles on it,  enough to go get gas.  The engine was clearly brand new, and still smokin' from being broken in. Probably had not been run for more than 15 mins.  And so it goes.  There were  lots of "little" things and John made good on most of them, gave me good advice, and sent some parts when needed, including a replacement carb (original had cracked body, and leaked gas), and a tach that actually worked, vs. the POS that was put in there originally.  I have been wrenching on cars for some while, and I had two 356s back in the day, so I pretty well knew what I was getting in to.  Air cooled was not new to me.  And, its a hobby, so foolin' w/ the car is part of the "fun".  I was the mechanic here and used the opportunities afforded during the sorting period to learn about my new ride.  Anyway . . .


My bet is whatever you have going on, someone here has seen it, and knows the fix.


Give us a try.  And I think you are cutting JPS way more slack than he deserves. Yes he is a small operation, and yes, he is busy -- he told me last week that he had something like 17 cars in the works.  Sounds like a lot.  Is he honest?  Well, I guess -- I believe he likes to tell people what he thinks they want to hear vs. the cold hard facts.  All that said, I have a very beautiful car that John built for me pretty much to my specs, w/ a nice big engine, and when it runs right, there is nothing to match it.



Just my opinion guys; from what I,ve been reading on this site I think JPS and Vintage are not charging enough for their recreations. When you are working to a price-point like theirs, it probably doesn't leave a enough meat on the bones to do a proper shake-down on the cars and sweat the details. The reason why IM,s are twice the price is because that's what it costs to produce a really well sorted vehichle.

I see your point of view with respect to price and can't really disagree but no one is advertising "works in progress " are they?   I DO NOT disagree and that's why I am not , or trying to not be a stinker about it.   John could have fixed the transmission when he had the car or at the least informed me that the transmission was noisy and would get better with use (which is a possibility and what we hope for).  BUT having talked to other owners some are not having the same complaints.  I am trying to be 100% reasonable about all, keep and open mind and find solutions and not be a PIA.  I hope I'm offered the same in return
I've owned three Miata's not bad advice.  What I wouldn't do is sell this car as it is to some one else (if it comes to that) without answers or maybe even solutions to my complaints.  Some people would (and did) .  I am hopefull and looking for a little help so I can stay in the madness.   I believe in you folks so don't kick me to the curb just yet.  Sorry if I am annoying you Gerd.
Lol no John . I rarely come to this site I just love busting vince. But I have no mechanical skills and after 6 years opted out of owning a replica. Between my Rubicon and my miata  I have no issues.  Good luck to u 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: "" <> </div><div>Date:05/04/2015 10:07 PM (GMT-08:00) </div><div>To: GERD <> </div><div>Cc: </div><div>Subject: Reply By John Heckman: Looking for John Steele from JPS Motorsports </div><div>

Also, not that it will be a solution, exactly, but Steele very well may be at Carlisle.  He usually comes, and I have not heard that he will not, despite the big workload in his shop just now.  So you could, maybe, get some face-time.  The senior fellows here will  noodle out wassup w/ your car, for sure.  what you might want to guard against is the willingness by these Senior Fellows (with advanced cases of the madness well established) to solve your problem right there in the parking lot, which of course they will want to do.  And there is a better chance than not, that they will in fact be able to fix it.

Originally Posted by jesse postill:

Just my opinion guys; from what I,ve been reading on this site I think JPS and Vintage are not charging enough for their recreations. When you are working to a price-point like theirs, it probably doesn't leave a enough meat on the bones to do a proper shake-down on the cars and sweat the details. The reason why IM,s are twice the price is because that's what it costs to produce a really well sorted vehichle.

I think Jesse's got it mostly figured out here. Nothing's free. With most goods or services a man can pick Fast, cheap, or good in any combination of two (or less).


Regarding Mr. Steele and his craftsmanship: back in 2002 when I was going through all of this with a new JPS build ("GOOD AS AN INTERMECCANICA", John promised), my wife saved me from a heart attack (or violence) by gently pointing out that John had built the best car he knew how. I could rave and stomp, and hold my breath until my face turned blue- but John Steele had done all that he knew how to do.


If the build is pretty standard, the results will be pretty nice. But if what a buyer wants is something "outside the box", John has zero reservation promising whatever it takes to get the sale. I guess he figures he can work it out after the fact. Sometimes he can, but not if the customer is 3000 mile away.


Thus it has always been, thus it will always be.

Last edited by Stan Galat

All the recent posts are for the most part are spot on. 

Stan's post ..... "But if what a buyer wants is something "outside the box", is 100% as I did some things on my current project that up till now were only a thought and to do new mechanical / cosmetic things for the first time takes time re-engineering and doing same with a couple of variations to get it right.  


The simple plan: We get our heads together and figure John H. transmission issue present same going forth from there with conversation that results in a commitment for resolution and a hand shake Kelly ? :~) 

Last edited by Alan Merklin

I am sure all can be solved.  I am not looking for anything other then a little direction.  First and fore most I want the car looked over by all interested parties.  Hopefully from there plans can be made to do what is required at a later time.   I am not looking for a free lunch nor do I expect anyone to take on any "projects" while at Carlisle.  I am sure you fellows are coming to relax and enjoy the hopefully nice spring weather.    I just need a little direction from people with experience and with no dog in the hunt.   Ideally I'd like at least 5 or 6 people to drive the car and see if we can come to any consensus on the transmission.   I'd also like to get a little seat time in some of the other cars just for the sake of comparison.   You know I'll show you mine you show me yours so to speak.     Please understand I'm not "worked up" about this.  I'd just like to head off trouble and get the car to the point that I feel confident in using it.  Because I intend to drive the car frequently.   I've got a coolant leak and I believe the air conditioner is loosing charge but those two things I probably can resolve my self.     Hey it's a car it's not a brain tumor how 'bout it??  

All true, except for the fact that the first priority should be to match the expectations of the buyer to that of the builder's skill level.  Each builder has a different skill level and you really need to look at many of their creations to see the expected results.  If you decide to do something that the builder has never done before then you are in the land of R&D, research and disaster... at times.  If a buyer has never owned an original or a replica or an older vehicle this is when you see someone build his dream and suddenly face the reality that he is not buying a new BMW or new Porsche and then within a year reality sets in, the bubble of the illusion or delusion is broken and he sells the car. Ray 


Originally Posted by Caretech-IM:

All true, except for the fact that the first priority should be to match the expectations of the buyer to that of the builder's skill level.  Each builder has a different skill level and you really need to look at many of their creations to see the expected results.  If you decide to do something that the builder has never done before then you are in the land of R&D, research and disaster... at times.  If a buyer has never owned an original or a replica or an older vehicle this is when you see someone build his dream and suddenly face the reality that he is not buying a new BMW or new Porsche and then within a year reality sets in, the bubble of the illusion or delusion is broken and he sells the car. Ray 


So true.   About ten years ago I got involved with a vintage motorhome.  I started with an 1973 cheap one ($17k )and had it about a year learned a lot about them and decided to move up to a newer one this time knowing more about what I really required to have it work for me.  I bought a 1986 and have been very happy with it.  IT HAS TO BE THE SAME WITH THESE CARS. A fellow probably doesn't' often buy the "perfect one" his first go at it.   Honestly I don't think I did all that bad for myself for a first time buyer    Maybe it's a little like learning to swim you have to first be willing to jump into the water.   I think I am positioned pretty well regardless of how it goes.   My hope is to just fix the few things wrong with the car and be happy with it.   I also have a car which probably wouldn't be a hard sell and if I find something I like a lot better down the road that's also a possible solution as well.   How ever which way I fly I intend to enjoy the madness.   AND by making my car available to others here on the east coast it will hopeful allow newbies to get closer to what they would find ideal first time.    I do really like the coupe with the air conditioning and the subie engine is nice (although I have absolutely no air cooled experience to compare it with)     I've had a couple old cars so I am not entirely new to this.  Pretty new but not a total virgin.   Had an Austin Healey 3000 about 25 years ago (and still drool over them) a 65 Volvo 544 and a 59 SAAB two stroke.  So I've got a hint as to what's involved.    I do admit I expected more new car then old car with this recreation but I'm coming around.  

Alan it's good that your close so that you can help... Being far awayfrthe builder is an issue ... On my new build I flew out to the builder and drove my car for a while ... Like Many days to make sure things were sorted out ... But I know not everyone is able to do that unfortunately, and many times you have to teach the mechanic you use aboutthecar ... Hope all things go better as he corrects each issue.
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