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In the October '04 Ecellence, the feature article "Heavenly Creatures" details collector Steve Heinrichs' assortment of pre-series, early 4-cam and proto-type Speedsters.

One of the details on the blue 4-cam was a window sticker that showed the shift pattern, and it looks to be in German (too small to see the for sure).

Anyone ever seen or hear mention of this anywhere, or know where the template might live? I'd like to have one (or more) made for my new build.


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In the October '04 Ecellence, the feature article "Heavenly Creatures" details collector Steve Heinrichs' assortment of pre-series, early 4-cam and proto-type Speedsters.

One of the details on the blue 4-cam was a window sticker that showed the shift pattern, and it looks to be in German (too small to see the for sure).

Anyone ever seen or hear mention of this anywhere, or know where the template might live? I'd like to have one (or more) made for my new build.


You may want to get some help from someone who applies stickers everday to get it on. It is harder then you might think. Usually the best method is to hold the left and right side and pinch or curl the sticker so that only the very middle section touches the glass first. Then slowly while pressing it to the glass in small horizontal section let the rest of the sticker uncurl onto the glass. If you don't press it as you go and do it in very small increments you will bugger it up. Now the professionals will spray some fancy dancy liquid on there and set it in place then squigy out the liquid. Couple of days later it will evaporate out completely leaving it perfectly attached.

Mike, let me know if your looking for anything else for the new build. I know too much to do anything too cheap..LOL
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