I've been shopping around for a 356 replica and have discoved that there are several turnkey manufacturers and kits available on the market today. I'm still in the early stages of research and I haven't decided on which manufacturer to go with. I understand that most of these cars are built on 30 plus year old chassis and drive like old cars.
What I'm looking for is a manufacturer that produces a solid platform for me to build a good handling dream car. I've been to the Beck website and read about their tube chassis, which they claim is a lot stiffer than the other manufactures which use old VW pans. They also say that their cars handle like a real sports car should. Then there's Vintage which uses the old VW pans and incorporate support members within the body itself. I've talked to both manufactures and for their own reasons they claim that their prodct is the best.
Based on all of this, does anyone have any suggestions on which manufacturer best fits my requirements?
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