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I’m wondering how everyone finished off the body at the lower steering housing on the front firewall? My VMC has a 90 deg return on the fiberglass body that the housing passes right through so a simple grommet can’t just be installed. I did purchase a lower VW grommet and am going to try fabricating an aluminum plate riveted in place of sorts. What did you guys do?


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It's been almost 25 years since I built mine so this may be cloudy, but I ended up with a slightly larger, elongated hole as I tried to find the right spot for the lower end of the steering column to center the shaft where it went through the bulkhead.  That meant that I had a large-ish hole to cover up, so I made a plate of 1/8" aluminum for a close fit and riveted it on.  I used a thicker grommet (Electrician's cable grommet) to fill the space between the column tube and the aluminum plate.  If I had been cool, I would have filled the area with fiberglass instead, but the aluminum worked well and the carpet covers that area a bit, too.  Once installed and finished off with the carpet, you really can't see it.

"Still on CMC Backorder!"

That's a good one, @WOLFGANG

It occurred to me that roofers face this same dilemma all the time when they must flash around a roof vent pipe on a sloping roof and that enterprising companies have already come up with inexpensive solutions to this.  Here's what Home Depot offers - Just pick one that will fit the space and pipe and it will self-adjust to the angle AND diameter of the steering column.

Of course, I realize that I am leaning in to "George from Texas" or John Steele territory with this idea, but it should work pretty well.

Here's photos of those 2 front panels.  I see a lot of builds without them.  I believe they add strength to the front end - keeps heavy fiberglass front end from sagging (Peroni's disease?)  Often you can look at front of a replica and see clear through to the other side.

inner frt fender wells

The build manual also had you fiberglassing where the CMC body mounted to the VW pan so in addition to the 3 tubes of silicon sealer/body rubber seal you had the fiberglass.  The heat shield in engine compartment above the muffler was also to be fiberglassed to the body.  I've yet to do that!


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  • inner frt fender wells
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