Team Evil (TC) is "Right On" with his observations. Some of us have had this experience and we all had the same feeling about "Which Way to Go" or get started to get the engine running again.
I've "Stuck Valves" by "Over-Reving" the engine in Autocross's and have had to go through the procedure of Inspecting the Rocker Arm Shaft, Arms and ultimately "Tapping the Valve" to reposition it.
If you are able to "Unstick" the Valve "Roll the engine Over" by hand and monitor the operation of the Push Rod and Rocker Arm. If they, as well as the Valve Assembly "Open & Close". I'd inspect the Push Rod like TC suggested on a "Flat Surface" for Straightness and inspect the Push Rod Tips for any sign of damage. If the Push Rod is Bent or ends damaged, get a new push rod.
If you start or find Damage parts, check Oil Screen or cut your filter apart and instect for metal in the oil.
If you have metal in the oil screen or filter metal has been circulating in the lubricating system and rod/main bearing damage is possible.
If no damage parts or metal is detected, fire the engine up and monitor operation. Remeber at Idle, there is roughly 4 Pounds Oil Pressure so until you observe engine operation, watch you Idle RPM.
From what you say, I don't think its that bad, only a stuck valve.
Good Luck,
Jack Blake