So, I went to start my car after a month or so. Battery has been on a tender. It fired, but was struggling, then nothing. I tried many times, but no go.
I made sure fuel was available, it was. Pulled a plug, no spark. Checked at where the coil lead goes into the distributor, no spark. I check for power at the + tab on coil with key on, power is there. I try another Magnaspark coil, no spark. I try my old Bosch blue coil, no spark. I try another module, no spark.
I check the ohms on said coils. MS #1 1.2 and 14.3, MS #2 1.3 and 13.9, B Blue 3.3 and 8.4.
Is there a way to check the modules?
I checked the wires and they look good. In my travels I noticed a black wire going to the negative side of the coil, along with the tach wire, and a black coming from the dizzy. I followed this one black wire thinking it is a ground. I found the end under the dash and it was taped off. It was never in play from day one, but it was hooked up to the coil on the other end, even when I had the chinese 009 on it??? Should this one be connected to ground? I would think so....
Jus wondering...