I'm reminding all of us to make sure the front trunk is fully latched before driving.
This courtesy reminder comes on the heels of mine flying off and over the car at 40 mph yesterday.
I was leaving a Dr's appointment and Kathy called warning me of a squall headed my way so I popped the trunk, grabbed the windows (top was already up), installed the windows and vamanosed.
I noticed the trunk bouncing about 5 minutes later but unfortunately I was driving on a frontage road with a 50 mph limit and full concrete curbs on both sides with no shoulder and blind curves.
I knew there was a driveway about a 1/4 mile further and had slowed to about 40 when to my horror, the trunk bounced once and flew off the car. I saw it flying for a moment in the mirror and then watched as it bounced off the pavement behind me.
I backed up, grabbed it and fit it on making sure, this time, to fully engage the front latch. It actually sat almost perfectly in place so I limped to an OSH nearby and used Black Gorilla Duck Tape to secure the top/rear corners and limped home 12 miles with my tail between my legs.
Amazingly, the lid has minor damage, other than the fact that the hinge-mounts were savagely torn apart.
I'm not sure what to do but I wanted everyone to double-check before you drive, you don't want to mimic me and I learned yesterday that the "safety-latch" isn't.