Great day yesterday along the Southern California coast. Hundreds(!) of beautiful cars (representing pretty much every decade since the internal combustion engine was born) gathered at Pepperdine University in Malibu New Year's Day morning. John Steele and I (with spouse co-pilots) arrived in our JPS cars and parked among several "real" Speedsters and other 356s. We were warmly received by all...answered a ton of questions!
The multitude then headed north, up the coast to Leo Carrillo State Beach for a picnic. But, John & I followed a couple of Speedsters back into the mountains to Tapia State Park where the Southern California Boxster Group had assembled.
It was sunny, breezy, clear and 65-degrees...gotta love L.A. This get-together is not to be missed next year.

(Message Edited 1/3/2003 10:43:36 AM)