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We all know that Max is a peerless writer with writing skills that are truly amazing.  The man knows how to get his point accross.


Max's article on page 16 of the Aug. KKM is sensational and he captures the comraderie and friendship ("family" as Danny aptly calls it) to a tee. From planning the trip and caravans to Carlisle, to the various phases of it and last, as Carlisle closes for another year, the really strange and even sad  feelings we all have as we pull out of the Marriott parking lot and head for our homes.  


Max, you did it again, my friend and by the time I got to the end of that article I was feeling the sadness that you wrote about in a profound way.


Every Speedster/Spyder/MG pwner should subscribe to Kit Car Magazine and support the folks who support us.


The various pictures of our group were super and the center spread is two full pages of the group photo we took on the showfield.


Too much.  Thanks Max.  See everyone next year!!

2007 Vintage Speedster/ Jake Raby TYPE IV engine

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Jack, you beat me to it.  I just logged in to say pretty much the same things.  Max knocked it out of the park once again.  I feel the same way every time the Carlisle weekend winds down and he put it all down on paper. 


Also thanks to Jim Youngs for the super two-page centerfold of the showfield crane shot and mention of the gathering.  Super job of the Porsche replica coverage too. 


Great job guys.  Thanks!   

Wow, Jack, thanks so much for your generous words. Bruce, Nolan, you too. Just want to stress that there's much more to the issue than my one page, and I think you should consider getting an issue right from Jim Youngs. There's coverage of us at Carlisle and some individual cars, like John Eastman's new Cab. It's a real Porsche issue.


Thanks again you guys. It means the world to me when this happens.



Here's the deal.  I scanned and emailed the article plus the group shot and one other page to several of you including:



Rich D.



Tom B.


For others,  I need an email address or your email addess has changed since we last emailed. If you will email me at:  hsbroker  AT  aol  dot com  I can send you the kit Car Builder material.  So I need emaio addresses from:






Chuck M.

Dave S.


I believe we all should have our email addresses in our profile.  If you put it like I have mine, above,, you won't have a problem with bad guys harvesting your web address


Anyway--email me and I'll get the pages right out to you.





Hi Jack,
I never received your email.  You probably slipped an "e" into Blankinship
Originally Posted by Jack Crosby, Hot Sp'gs,AR,VS RabyTypeIV:

Here's the deal.  I scanned and emailed the article plus the group shot and one other page to several of you including:



Rich D.



Tom B.


For others,  I need an email address or your email addess has changed since we last emailed. If you will email me at:  hsbroker  AT  aol  dot com  I can send you the kit Car Builder material.  So I need emaio addresses from:






Chuck M.

Dave S.


I believe we all should have our email addresses in our profile.  If you put it like I have mine, above,, you won't have a problem with bad guys harvesting your web address


Anyway--email me and I'll get the pages right out to you.





Jack, thanks...but I subscribe.


I agree 100% with what Bruce wrote.


With friends that make their living from copyrighted works, be it words or music, I feel pretty strongly about it and it deserves to be repeated.


If you want a copy of the article, you should buy the issue or subscribe.


Jim Youngs and his wife are great friends and supporters of our hobby. It is not fair to them to redistribute their work for free.


And if your newsstand won't carry it, I'm sure KCB will sell you a copy. Heck, they might even send you one for free. But that would be THEIR decision, not ours.


Just my two cents.


I'll shut up now. ;-)

Sending out a couple of pages out of one issue is a far cry from "distributing their work for free".  They hand out the magazines at Carlisle as samples and I felt that sending a couple of pages was also a sample.


In my original post I did write that I believed that every owner of a Speedster, Spyder or MG should subscribe to Kit Car magazine.


I am a huge booster of the magazine and would only do anything I could to boost them and feel that this publicity for KKM was nothing but a plus for them---which I am certain is the case.


Sampling = Marketing 101.



Last edited by Jack Crosby

I have been a subscriber to KCB for years and plan to continue each year as long as I am breathing.  Jim, Queen Bee, Max and all the contributors are like part of our family and I think we should support them the same way they that support us; the current issue underscores that support.  Sure, there are months that are not as interesting as others, but I always get something out of my reading.  Those mentioned above are must reads, always. 

I understand Jack's generous offer but I think that a better gesture for those interested would be to pony up for a subscription or, at least, the current, splendid offering. 

my 2 kroner


Carl, the subscription link is on this page:


Jack, we obviously agree that we should all be subscribing!. But as far as redistribution, copyright law would consider scanning articles from a copyrighted magazine and emailing them out as "distributing their work for free". And as far as samples, if the owner wants to give out free samples, that's their choice. I still don't think it's our place to make that choice for them.


At the end of the day, we know Jim Youngs is not gonna come chasing you -- although Queen Bee might! ;-) . But that doesn't make it right.

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