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The meet Hotel for the West coast Replica Rendezvous has been chosen.

It will be very close to Knotts so those of you can't get your car started can walk! We will be making the announcement with details in a few days. We want to make sure the Hotel is up to speed for the Speedster Owners and have their computers ready for the deluge of reservation requests. Working on a few other things with the hotel so bear with us a while longer.

More later, Bruce
1957 JPS MotorSports(Speedster)
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The meet Hotel for the West coast Replica Rendezvous has been chosen.

It will be very close to Knotts so those of you can't get your car started can walk! We will be making the announcement with details in a few days. We want to make sure the Hotel is up to speed for the Speedster Owners and have their computers ready for the deluge of reservation requests. Working on a few other things with the hotel so bear with us a while longer.

More later, Bruce
This is what suggested on the East Coast meet's web site:

A Note on Vehicle Security:
We've all put a lot of Blood, Sweat, Tears . . . and $$$ into our cars and their security during your hotel stay is a concern to us all. It is our plan to organize visitors into a "watch schedule" with each of us taking a brief period of "Guard Duty" overnight so we can sleep peacefully (except, of course, during your shift!). We are not aware of any problems in the past, and keep in mind that this is the same Carlisle location that regularly draws large quantities of equally valuable collector cars on a regular basis. Please note that there is no trailer parking permitted on the hotel grounds, but as in past years parking is available across the highway from the hotel as well as at the Carlisle Fairgrounds.

Just a thought...

Jim and all:

This has been talked about and my only problem with these rent a cops is who is going to guard him! My limited experience in that arena is they are bigger thieves than the thieves. As far as drawing straws to see who sits out in the parking lot. I did all that crap in the service and as Jim says with no means of stopping anyone other than your voice, forget it.

I've talked to somebody in our group that was using this hotel in both last years show and possibly before and he felt comfortable with the arrangements in the parking lot, pretty secure. Lets face it, don't think anyone would be stealing a highly visible car like ours, very easy for a cop to spot it. I think most of us will have covers for the car and that works pretty good. Lets face it, if you were a serious car thief, would you steal a Cobra or a tub, I'd go for the snake. Got to believe there will be lots of those in our lot. I really don't believe we have to worry about security. The parking lot is out of view from the street and walled off. I truly believe we are OK.

West Coast Bruce
Too bad John Candy is dead... we could have hired him and Eugene Levy to watch the lot! :-)

Good point Bruce. Besides, I figure us VS, JPS, CMC guys need to park in the middle and let the IM's park on the edges of the flock. Also, I can crank the sensitivity of my alarm up enough to protect the cars adjacent to it, LOL.
I park with a car cover that says "COBRA" That way I know the car will be safe. Who wants an uncomfortable car that over heats your feet, uses too much gas, and is too loud to drive away in the middle of the night when there is a parking lot of much sweeter speedsters to choose from.
The Buena Park/Anaheim Courtyard by Marriott is the official West Coast Replica Rendezvous hotel! They are taking reservations now for discounted rooms.
Visit the RR webpage for complete info.
Those who've indicated they're coming to Knotts already have the info via e-mail update. Put your name on the list...c'mon and be with the largest gathering of Speedsters and Spyders ever under no roof!
I've stayed in this motel the last two years I've been at Knott's. Nice place, great parking with lots of room, very close to Knott's, and close to "Claim Jumpers" resturant. The Marriot's has a nice buffet in the morning and there is an IHOP (old and small) across the street. Great Choice guys! Thanks.

I think most people will get two nights reservations. The Speedster block is for 3 nights, Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. You don't have to book for all three nights. I just wanted to make sure that we have the rooms available. I am going for the three days myself and I think Dale Bates is too, maybe some others. I think the show starts
breaking up on Sunday, probably around noon or so. I'd like to get a start on the drive back home by early Sunday afternoon and I would think others have the same idea. The meet organizer has not posted his 2004 update yet but it will be coming down the cyber highway soon. It should have the specifics with times etc. Last years times were Sat 8 AM to 5 PM, Sunday, 8 AM to 3 PM. I assume the same this year. This should be the start of a real tradition for the SOC, can't wait!

West Coast Bruce
Thanks Bruce that makes sense...The other question I was formulating is also related to the events aspect...are we entering our cars as part of the show or are we just parking together and wandering around?

I know John leader was trying to organize an exhibition (tsk,tsk)game of volleyball against the touring Sunscreen Topless Volleyball Team.
I didn't have the heart to tell him it was a men's team.

You had to spoil the tension that we were going to generate about the volleyball team. Oh well, we'll have to come up with another event!

We will all have to register with the meet organizer to gain entry to the show. His web site with entry forms should be up soon. We are getting a dedicated area for the Speedsters and Spyders so we'll all be together, safety in numbers, remember how the pioneers circled the wagons to ward off Indian attacks? We are doing the same at Knotts to keep the marauding Cobras in their dens.

When the AHA puts up the 2004 data on their web site we'll have the info here. I know last year there was some savings by pre registering.
I assume the same will happen this year.

Getting closer, 100 days. I've got to get the cover off mine and start doing some of the items I've been thinking about for a couple of months, Think Spring

Drivers from the North to Knott's: I was sitting around this morning thinking about the LA traffic, rear enders, clutch wear, and worry lines brought about by driving a speedster in the mess on LA's Golden State Freeway (I-5). I already have a reservation for Thursday night at the Marriot but ...

After driving to the Dunkel's meet last weekend I remembered the traffic pain in LA at 2:30 to ? in the evening. I was wondering what the group coming down from the north might think of this idea.

Meet at a rest stop just south of Tracy (I-5) around 9am? Drive almost to LA (Santa Clarita - Magic Mountain area, about 5 hours) say about one hour from Knott's on Thursday and spend the night there. Leave about 9am from there and arrive at the Marriot about 10:30 and avoiding most of the worst traffic many of us will ever experiance.

I was planning (and still will) meet a group at the rest stop at 6am - 7am and drive all the way to Knott's. That will put us in LA about 6-7 hours later (depending on stops)and have us hitting some of the rush hour traffic. This rest stop is 1.25 hours from Sacramento, 2.5 hours from Grass Valley so "local" guys would need to get on the road pretty early. Guys coming from further north may want to stay in Sacramento or add the 1.25 hours and just keep on driving into Tracy. The rest stop is also a bit over an hour from SF and Benicia.

Any thoughts? John Leader, comments about traffic? And Who is thinking about meeting at the rest stop south of Tracy? I know that Bruce is planning on it. Henry is planning to be pulling a trailer.
I was considering doing a tow , only with the hope that if my car is on the market, I may get lucky and need to drive home.

If you were to get into the Marriott the next day at say 10:30,is there early check in?

In LA traffic, I suppose even a caravan of Speedsters wouldn't provide rearend accidents.
Rush hour traffic starts early on Friday afternoon (the weekend getaway) usually by 2:30 PM lasting until about 6:00-6:30 PM. Unfortunately, the I-5 through Los Angeles has narrow lanes and lots of trucks, so avoiding rush hour would be wise.
Mornings the traffic is usually flowing better by 9:30 - 10:00 AM. If you guys come through L.A. with 5-10 Speedsters all together, plan on causing quite a stir. I'll see if I can get Eyewitness News to cover it...on second thought, maybe not.
The Santa Clarita overnight on Thursday sounds like a good idea...could save a lot of hassle. On Friday you could have a leisurely breakfast and then head down to the Buena Park Marriott after rush hour clears.
Hey Dale,

It's good to have a forward thinker ruminating all hours of the day and night on this travel thing. After mulling over where I am on these maps, I'm just going to head up your way and tuck in behind you... I'll be the one on your porch (I've learned that automated lawn sprinklers can be pretty rude first thing in the A.M.)in the wee hours.
Don't shoot.
Decisions, decisions, hate to make them when my senior, retired mind can't quite cope at light speed any longer. I can adapt to most plans though and see the wisdom of avoiding the LA rush drive but somethimes we can outplan the traffic conditions. All it takes is a truck incident at off rush drive time and you have problems. Dale, I am still planning on staying up around Tracy on Wendsday evening and then hitting the road early in the morning. The rest area just south of Tracy still looks primo to me for a wagon train roundup. I think we all have to be pretty much there at the agreed meet time or we face major problems down the road. If you want to stop just short of LA on Thursday and then cruise in Friday late morning, that would work also. I can change my hotel reservations to delete the Thursday
reservations. Or, I could just bite the bullet and chance the drive into the Marriott on Thursday early afternoon. I do know I'll be stopping just short of the Grapevine for gas, full tank on the LA freeways gives me comfort! Anyway, good we are broaching all this, I'm sure we'll grease right on thru! John Leader, what do you think Thursday afternoon would be like? Any better than Friday?

If you are coming from the north from the 101, I suggest turning
off to hiway 1 after Santa Barbara and hugging the coast through
Oxnard/Malibu/Santa Monica rather than 101 to L.A. or the 405 interchange...Its absolutely miserable especially on a friday..
101 south of Santa Barbara has become a nightmare......
Plus the coast route is much nicer...once you are through Santa
Monica go to the 405 to the 91 and you are there.....If you take
the 5 you obviously can't do the coast thing.......
Hey all!

I agree with John, traffic is something that we can't outfox so I believe I'll stick with my original plan of driving into the Marriott on Thursday afternoon. If you guys want to peel off before LA, give me
a blessing while I sail into the storm. Driving in the Chicago area for years has semi hardened me to gridlock but the last four years in Oregon has spoiled me. This will build up the clutch leg muscles too, think positive! Maybe I'll be stuck in traffic next to someone interesting!Biggest question is if the top comes off at the last gas stop, car top and not my shirt!

Dale, I though about comming back up the coast route when time is not an issue, and I can stop where I want to. Jim Ward said somthing about cruising up the coast after the meet too. I drove Hwy 1 up when I brought my car back from Vintage. It's a great drive, but can be very time consuming. Eddie
Eddie and Dale,

I would be interested in doing that also. I'll have to look at the map and see if there is some good connecting roads to the coast from I-5. I think if you took the entire route up it would be time consuming as Eddie says. At least on Sunday and Monday we should be going against the majority of the traffic headed back to La La land, maybe not! Anybody know?

Oregon voted down the income tax surcharge proposal yesterday so maybe I can afford to put 89 octane in the tub. By the way, gas is lots cheaper around LA that it was this time last year. Looked like $1.70 a gallon for 89, last year it was about $2.20 or so. That is a major difference!

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