I made new rear brake lines and since I only have an SAE double flaring tool, I made the bubble flares by only doing the first of the double flaring operation. It seems to seal and not leak but is this going to last? What have you guys done that worked? I don't want to buy a flaring tool I'm only going to use once.
What type of nut did you use? The back surface of the flare that the nut sits against is different for the SAE vs ISO flares. Since you're using a mismatched flare to begin with, it's possible you used a mismatched nut as well. A mismatched nut can cause leakage from distorting the flare, poor clamping that could potentially cause things to come loose, or put excessive stress on the line causing it to fail. This is in addition to the fact that a partial double flare doesn't form the same sealing surface angle as an ISO flare which can cause sealing issues in the first place. Can it work? Possibly, but you're better off getting the correct tool or just buying a premade line.