"I was told by Joe Soltis its the funnest money pit you will own."
Well, that's true, but the friends you meet on here and a few other related forums make it really worthwhile. We all have more fun at Paso Robles, Knotts and Carlisle than anywhere else (well, maybe Henry's IM BBQ and West Coast Bruce's Oregon tour, too!)
Sure wish we could figure out a way for the West and East Coasters to get together without too much trouble. "Pearl" would LOVE to meet "Mr. Ghia"! Maybe Vince could come visit the home of the East Coast Marines at Parris Island!! Maybe even tour the "Tail of the Dragon" with us next month!!
Well, OK.....so that ain't gonna happen, but it would still be nice to visit with the "Left Coasters". Guess Kathy and I will just have to find a way out there sometime next season. The IM BBQ might be a good start. I just LOVE planning next season's events!!