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Steve, I've been studying my options. The last time I by-passed Rockford (in 2007) there was a huge construction mess. I'm guessing this is complete by now (hopefully). Yesterday I was thinking about avoiding the whole I-39/I-90 bypass and those pesky toll(s) and getting adventuresome on some of the local rural roads, exiting before Beloit at WI 140, picking up IL 76 (Fairgrounds Road) at the border, eventually hooking into Appleton Road which turns into Stone Quarry Road near I-90, turn west on Blood's Point Road, hanging a left at S. Mulford Road, hang a right at Baxter Road and meeting at the Shell Truck Stop at I-39...OR, just brave the whole I-39 bypass around Rockford, pay the toll(s) and meet at the same Shell station. I'm not sure what type of additional time it would cause me, but the rural route seems somewhat inviting. What's your opinion on such a route? Am I crazy? Regardless of how I got there, how's the Shell Station sound for a rendezvous point? I'd probably be the only red Speedster pulling into the station. If, by some happenstance, some hot chick shows up in a similar car, I'll let you make your own choices. Let's say I would try to get to that spot by about 9:30...3 more hours to Peoria would put us in the vicinity of the rendezvous point about 12:30. I have not figured in any pee breaks, which might be a necessity. Respond back with your thoughts. I see Marty is not coming but not sure if Joe wants to meet and tag along. Joe???? Rich in Wisconsin



The only toll you would encounter is the toll just over the border into Illinois.  The toll that used to be at the entrance of the Route 20 Bypass (by the water park) has been removed.  All road construction is finished on I-90 and the only construction I have seen is a little stretch on I-39; however, they are just doing some shoulder work. 


I have lived in the Rockford area for 19 years and I don't even know some of these roads you were planning on taking.  The interchange at I-90/I-39/Route 20 has all been completed and you should sail right through.


The Shell station at Baxter road is perfectly fine with me and I will be there before 9:30AM, gassed up and ready to roll.  Shoot me your email address I will email you my cell number in the event you should need it.






As you can see our plan to meet...........where along the way would it be convenient to join the parade...............

I can join the gauntlet on 39 south of 80 in lovely LaSalle Peru. This should take me about 90 minutes and according to google maps 65 minutes (59.7 miles) for you two. I am trying to find a gas station or other landmark to redezvous. Hoping for no rain as my canvas top has serious shrinkage  and have not been able to put it up. So baring any disasters I should see a couple of speedsters around 11:15 or so. 



I am fine with whatever works for everyone else.  I don't like the rain forecast as my Speedster rarely sees daylight, let alone rain.  After washing it once I had a hell of a time starting it.  Possibly a little too much rinsing in the vent on my part, but I have the stinking suspicion a heavy rain will have the same effect.


Rich, your call on the Oglesby option, but this could be a perfect "break" location for those with small bladders.

Steve and Joe,


These plans look good. The tolls weren't really the issue, it was the heavy construction I saw way back in 2007 and it was a mess. Steve and I hook up at the Shell Station on Baxter Road approximately 9:30-ish. I'll try to get as early of a start as possible and get there sooner barring any weird stuff. Then we'll move on down to the MacDonalds at Walnut St. Exit, meet Joe, pee, top-off gas at the Shell there as well, if need be and then we can mosey on down the line to the Peoria destination. I'm an analog guy (read maps) with no GPS, but the restaurant seems fairly simple to find in Peoria. This rain crap could prove interesting for all of us first-time-toppers (my top actually does go up and on but I've never used my side curtains yet). But, that's what shoulders and over passes are for, right?

Hopefully it'll be flitting showers, if none at all.


Phone numbers would be good to

Rich I was looking at that exact route last night, should be a good cruise. At this point I am planning on driving back. We are headed out for vacation on Saturday morning and need to the lawn mowed etc. If things get late or the weather turns bad I may reconsider. On a positive note I got my top up today. Lane suggested I put some books on the top just before the header, left it this way since Sunday night and low and behold I have the top up. Right now it is baking on my driveway stretching out in the sun. HOPEFULLY we don't need them tomorrow. 

Last edited by Theron

I carry a AAA card, & Cory's handy Dandy canvas tool bag, filled with misc tools.....

If I get a flat, I'd call AAA, which would come out & either fix it or tell me that I'm

f%&ked.....which is all you could do regardless of what you had with you short of a

spare tire....

P.S. Cory's Handy Dandy tool bag Filled with misc tools, is actually for show, or

if someone stops to help......

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