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For a few dollars you get accommodations and meals for  a few days.... look up the pdf above it is in Miami.

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We are currently putting the finishing touches on our 6th annual Napa Valley 750, a 750-mile rally over 4 days in the wine country of Northern California.  It begins April 27th.  We started the rally in the height of the pandemic, August 2020, which in itself posed a number of challenges.

We have tried to differentiate ourselves from the Colorado Grand, Cal Mille, Copperstate, etc by keeping it relatively small; in an effort to allow participants to get to know each other during the event.  The larger events tend to silo individuals.  While it's definitely about the driving, we have fused the driving with a culinary and wine experience (wine served each day AFTER the driving is completed).  We found in doing so, it allows couples to share an enjoyable experience together.  My wife is not a fan of riding 180 miles a pop in the speedster, but enjoys the rally experience due to the participants and the food.....the scenery isn't half bad either.

What I found in being part of the organizational team is all the work that goes into these rallies....accommodations, routes, lunches, dining experiences, sponsors, swag, route books, posters, auction items, charities, yada yada yada.....

We are quite lucky that to have a chase trailer to quickly transport any vehicle having trouble, along with a mechanic well versed in fixing anything with a motor.  In the past, he was able to quickly repair a Dino with a hole in its radiator or a D-Type with a fuel pump issue.  Most times he's able to fabricate a repair with all the various parts in his order to be able to get the cars back on the road the next day to complete the rally.

We're all kinda late to register for this (early bird registration ended last Sept. 30), so it'll cost yah a cool $14,000 smackers for the privilege of joining the race.


That's a mere $2,800 per day, assuming a 5-day commitment.  Wow.....  

Now throw in a support team of five and transport/rescue vehicle at another grand per day and you're looking at $20K, plus incidentals of another $5K for bare bones race costs around $25K.  On roads so straight you could fall asleep and keep going straight.

Suddenly, Carlisle looks like the bargain of the decade!

I think I would rather hit Kevin's Bay Area rally, anyway.  Sounds like more fun and personal - Like you get to know co-racers and their teams!  

There are like zero winding roads an all of south Florida.  From Miami to Naples, coast to coast on RT 41, there are maybe five gentle turns.  🤔   It's the perfect road for cruise control and Active Driver Assist steering.  Seriously.  I've driven it, and it is BORING.  

This race would be a LOT more fun if it was run on the Michigan Upper Peninsula - At speed.  Actually, anywhere North of Atlanta except for the plains states, which are mostly a copy of Florida for interesting roads - Straight to the Horizon.

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